Chapter 10: Red Orcs

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A new day to travel.

Valen led the way across Red Field Beach, they drew near Grain Hill with only less then 5 miles ahead until they saw the path to the village. Valor and Valen were getting to know each other, Valor had to avoid a lot of questions about his background. Being the slave of Lucifer and being reborn as an Imp to kill God wouldn't be too believable to the normal man.

"We should be able to make it to town before noon!" The green eyed swordsman waved his hands into the air.

"Before that, let us go to the forest to hunt and scavenge, I am growing hungry..." The Imp patted his stomach, he hadn't eaten for nearly 4 days, it was impressive that he lasted this long, even if he was a demon.

"That's fine with me, though I'm not sure what we can eat around here, that's not in my field of expertise!" He skipped his way to the forest edge, treading through bushes and branches of different lengths.

"I would prefer some berries or nuts, it would refuel my fire breath..." The red eyed demon scoured across a random bush, his scavenging skills weren't the best.

"Fire breath?! In our fight you could have used your fire breath to melt my face off!?!?" It was an obvious concern of Valen.

"You are right, I could have..." Unsheathing Black Knight, Valor chopped through a group of bushe. "But it wouldn't have been fun if I did so..."

Scary... Was all that Valen could think.

"Ah! Nuts, perfect fuel!" Valor found a pile of nuts on the ground. "Delicious!" He grabbed them one by one, tossing them into his mouth.

"The fuck? Why are you eating a random pile of nuts on the ground, that's not natural!" There was a raise of concern when Valen saw his demonic partner eating an unnatural pile of nuts from the ground. "They're not even growing off a bush or tree!"

"Hmm... you are correct..." It would be obvious to say, Valor was a bit embarrassed.

Are we dumb? Michael asked everyone.

No Michael, we are simply dumbed down by our hunger! Dom tried to justify their dumb decision in an attempt to save his ego.

"I wonder where this came from..." Paying more attention to the food he found, Valor noticed a trail of nuts leading deeper into the forest. "It looks like it is leading somewhere, this has certainly caught my interest..."

"We should leave it, we don't know-" Before Valen could finish his sentence, his companion began to walk away following a trail of food. It was obvious that his companion was blinded by hunger, his stomach suckering up his mind and going after their base desires. "Oh brother, how did this guy beat my ass..." Soon after, the two of the warriors tread deeper into the forest.

"I can feel us getting closer!" The red-eyed creature noticed the trail of nuts growing larger in amount. In turn, his stomach began to growl in hunger and begging for food. "Food!" Arriving at a small clearing of the forest, a large pile of berries, nuts, and other fruit and vegetables were present.

"Wait, Valor-!" Running after him, Valen would soon catch up right behind Valor the moment he made it to the pile of food.


Beneath the grass and pile of food, there was a net of thin tough rope that when the moment someone got close, triggered and captured the two travelers. They both got stuck in the air, dangling from over the thick branch of a nearby tree. "That was unexpected..." Valor's race was pushed against the ropes as all of his limbs were stuck between the holes of the net. "This is extremely uncomfortable..."

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