Chapter 5: Fight to Tell

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The Goblin's Chamber, a small bar local to town, it's not much of a special place, at least on the surface. Within the back of the bar, mercenaries of the Black Blossom are taking commissions to take back their money with some interest.

"Is this the location...?" Valor asked Gris.

"I'm positive!" Gris confirmed.

"Looks like a tavern, but let us head inside..." Valor dragged Gris alongside into the bar. Upon entering the Goblin's Chamber through saloon-type doors, they're greeted by the presence of the bar being filled to the brim with people. New sets of eyes were trained on Valor and they didn't seem friendly. "Would you happen to know why they are looking at me like that?" He whispered to Gris.

We are just stunning Dom showed his confident side.

"I'm pretty sure they're curious about what species, you do stand out..." Gris stated the obvious.

"I thought covering myself in this cloak would hide myself, but I guess not, what a bother..." He sighed. "So Gris who runs this shabby place?"

"I don't know, I haven't gone inside because I'm too young to drink alcohol." Gris Admited.

"There is an age limit to drink? What a shitty rule..." Valor grumbled at the thought of that.

Why would they limit drinking to age? That makes it lame! Michael made a fit of rage.

"Let us see, who would be the boss of this place?" Valor walked across the group of packed tables whilst dragging Gris along, even more eyes stared daggers into them. "Ah, I see now..." The Imp marches his way toward the front bar, where he sees a man cleaning a cup. "Are you the boss of this place?" He asked the man.

"You're a strange-looking fella, but to answer your question, I am the manager of this fine establishment..." The bar manager answered Valor.

"Boss manager, same thing, so tell me where the Black Blossom's base is..."

Silence enveloped the Goblin's Chamber.

"Hmm? Why so silent?" Valor asked the people around him.

"Maybe you shouldn't have said that..." Gris grows concerned about the people around them.

"Why do you say that-?" The imp is interrupted when the manager throws a glass cup at his head. "Agh! What the hell!" Valor surprised by the sudden attack, prepares himself for battle. "You bastard what was that for?!" Valor yells before the Manager hops over the counter and tackles him. "You should have put more force!" He uses his tail to prevent himself from falling over by the manager's tackle. "Dumbass!" Using his arms, he plunges his elbow into the back of the manager until they let go of him.

Oh! This looks fun, can I take over?!

"Sorry, Michael, but I think it's about time I get used to this body..." Valor whispers to Michael while he smashes his knee upwards into the Manager's jaw. Disorientating the manager severely, Valor takes out his new sword and slashes the Manager's left arm off.

"AGH!" A pain-retching noise comes from the manager.

"Quite whining!" Valor performs an axe kick, dropping the head of the manager onto the wooden floor. "Who else wants to fight?" The mad Imp swings his sword to rid its blade of the newly fresh blood.

"Oh, you think you're so tough?" One of the men from the bar gets up and stands before Valor. This man is large and tall, he weighs probably over 200 pounds and stands even above Valor, it looks like he's wearing cheap yet durable armor around his body, except his head.

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