The Scar and Separation

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After Crepus died, Jean has let Kaeya and Diluc off work for mourning. The knights who accompanied them are back at hq. Diluc and Kaeya drive the horse and buggies back to Dawn Winery. Kaeya immediately jumps out of the cart he was driving and races over to Diluc. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before, Diluc." There are tears streaming down Kaeya's face. Diluc has his hand over his face, his expression unreadable. "You're Khaenri'an!" Diluc sighs as he ties up the horses. Kaeya's only visible eye is wide. " must understand? It-It's not my fault. I know very little information about Khaenri'ah, so why would I side with them? Brother please-" "Kaeya, you've said enough." Diluc interupts as he turns his back to Kaeya. Kaeya places his hand on Diluc's shoulder to comfort him, however Diluc slaps his hand away. Diluc balls his hands into fists as tears fill his angry eyes. "And father, you smiled at his death. HOW COULD YOU SMILE WHEN OUR FATHER DIED!? HOW COULD YOU?!" Kaeya flinches and cries harder. Kaeya wants to explain how he felt but his tears consume him. Diluc growls and grabs the collar of Kaeya's featherflight uniform. Kaeya puts his hands up. "How can I even trust you anymore? You're a piece of shit, Kaeya!" Diluc shoves Kaeya hard into the grass below him. Kaeya just lays there propped up. Kaeya sobbs looking away from Diluc. "I deserve this," says Kaeya. Diluc takes a step back and wipes his tears. "Just who's side are you on?" "M-Mondstadt. I'm on Mondstadts side," Kaeya says as he is hardly able to breathe. "Then prove it," Diluc says taking out Wolf's Gravestone. Kaeya swiftly removes Skyward blade to block Diluc's attack. He rolls quickly onto his legs to block the next attack. Diluc is strong, especially the fact that he can carry such a heavy weapon with ease. Diluc has strength on his side indeed, however Kaeya has speed. Kaeya continues to block his brothers attacks. "Diluc, what is this?" Kaeya can see the anger in Diluc's red eyes as he glares at him. "It's retribution!" Diluc coats his sword in flames. Kaeya's eye is wide, how is he going to counter Diluc's flames? Kaeya braces himself for impact and blocks the attack. However, his blade is now cut in two from Diluc's flames. Kaeya falls backwards as Diluc charges for another fiery attack. Kaeya wonders if this will be it for him. Will he die to his brothers sword? 

Power rushes through him in his most vulnerable moment. Kaeya doesn't know what he's doing but he places his hand out and the element of ice shoots from his palm towards Diluc. Diluc's mouth is agape as he sees his brother is now able to wield ice. Kaeya looks at his hand. "Woah! Time to fight back I s'pose," he rises to his feet ; bladeless, but hoping Barbatos will give him the strength to survive. "Tch! Kaeya's got a vision now," Diluc thinks to himself. Both Kaeya and DIluc charge at one another. An icy wind blinds Diluc as he strikes his sword at Kaeya. "Ah!" Kaeya screams holding his eye. His eyepatch is now on the ground. Diluc stands tall over Kaeya. Blood drips from Kaeya's eye. Diluc walks past Kaeya and into Dawn Winery. Kaeya is stunned as he lay on the ground. "WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" He shouts, unaware that Diluc has already left. So many different emotions hit him at once, grief from Crepus, confusion from Diluc, and excitement from his vision. The negative emotions overpower the only positive one he has. He bites his lip to keep from screaming. Kaeya could just lie there all night and scream and cry. He finally sits up and looks behind him at the winery and walks far away from it. However, as he is leaving he spots Diluc's pyro vision in the grass. Still covering his injured eye with one hand he picks up the vision with his other. Kaeya then puts the vision in his pocket intending on returning it later, but now is not the time, he decides. 

Kaeya walks home to his house in Mondstadt, alone. He changes into his night clothing and washes the blood from his face. "It's gonna need stitches," he says to himself. There is a big gash from his eyebrow to his lower eye. Kaeya grabs his first aid kit from his bathroom and carefully takes the needle in his hand. He sighs dreading the pain to come. He stabs his skin with the needle and stitches himself up. This isn't his first time doing this. Now that the blood and sweat are washed from his eye, he can surprisingly still see. Kaeya then goes to bed, although he can't sleep very well. "Diluc," he mumbles in his sleep. 

                                                                                         Authors Note

 Hi everyone hope you enjoyed the first chapter! (Just wanted to say that I do NOT own any of these characters, they are from Genshin Impact. Some of this I wrote is a recap of how I thought Diluc and Kaeya's fight went, however some of what I wrote is true based on the storyline). And bear with me I know this first chapter was deep and I promise it will get better! Stay tuned! Also more of Diluc's POV will be in the next chapter! Thanks for reading! 

(Again I do not own these characters)

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