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Gwen sat on the floor of her room, her loud punk music blasted as she sat there, staring at herself in the mirror. Her black eye had faded overnight, still visible, but not as swollen, her knuckles still bruised and her cuts healing slowly. That fight was worth it.

She was in her uniform, but without the jumper, her blazer shoved in her backpack, wearing the white button up shirt and the long itchy skirt she hated so much, her long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, some strands out the front. Her eyeliner was on her waterline as usual, trying to make an effort to look good, her black eye ruining it.

"Fuck." She whispered to herself, before she glanced to the time, 7:40AM, she sighed, looking down into her lap, seeing the childish unicorn and cat diary Mr Brown got her for her "anger issues". Sure, she lost her temper a lot —- but she didn't have anger issues......right?

She rolled her eyes, grabbing a pen and opening it up, scribbling some words inside.

Dear diary,

Go fuck yourself.

She shut the diary, throwing it to the wall, before she got up, turning off the loud punk music, hearing her dad complaining about it from the bathroom.

"Stupid fucking diary..." she muttered, before grabbing her backpack and her headphones, walking out to the kitchen and grabbing a cereal bar, ignoring the food her dad left out for her.

She glanced at the bathroom door, seeing it still locked, her dad inside. This was her chance, she could sneak out to school without her dad offering her a ride, she wasn't in the mood to hear him complain about her fighting. She already had enough last night.

She sneaked towards the front door, reaching out to open it, only to be stopped by a deep voice.


Her shoulders slumped.


"Dad." She muttered angrily, turning to face her dad with a frown, knowing he was still angry about the fight, he was dressed up for work, in his police uniform.

"We need to speak about the fight, before you head off to school."

"Again?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Yes —- again. You started a fight. What is wrong with you?! Getting into fights, being angry, always storming off.... Just speak to me, Gwen!" He yelled, crossing his arms as he gave a disappointed look, causing gwen's eyebrows narrow. He knew he shouldn't be yelling at her like this, but he couldn't help it. He was angry, worried and confused, he just didn't know how to show it in a 'gentle' way.

"I've explained it you already, dad! He-"

"No, Gwen! Getting into fights-"

He didn't finish his sentence as she stormed out, slamming the door and running out the apartment building.

"Gwen-" he tried to call for her, only for her to run off. He shut his eyes, feeling a pool of guilt build up inside his gut. Why did he yell at her? He should've spoke to her,

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