Chapter 1 lmao

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-Karkat's pov-

Jesus christ.
Why was it so bright? He just wanted to fucking sleep. staying up until 4 am and then waking up at 8 am was probably one of Karkat's worst ideas ever and it was probably going to kill him. But here he was getting less and less sleep every night.

Did he have a good excuse? Hell yeah he did. He finally convinced Kankri to buy Netflix and he had been binge watching rom-coms and Modern Family. There was the one night Kankri tried to tell him to sleep and he threw his pillow at him because he was right and it really pisses the short troll off. The older Vantas had came in last and told him that little sleep was bad for him, and yeah. He was right.

With a loud groan the nubby horned troll shoved his face into one of his dozen pillows that surrounded him on his bed. When he was done with his dramatic charade he glanced over at his old alarm clock, like the ones that were still boxes and had the choice between am and fm and you could even put a tape in the back. It was 11. After letting out a string of colorful cuss words Karkat hopped out of bed.

Terezi would be there soon and he couldn't just stand at the door in only his boxers. Before anything else he slid on an oversized t-shirt Sollux got him jokingly that said 'don't be crabby' and on it was a crab with a shit eating grin that the candy blooded troll would give just anything to punch off his face. The only reason he hadn't shredded the shirt was that him and Sollux made a bet that he would never wear it and it wasn't a bet he intended on losing. The loser had to ask Eridan for a date and Karkat would rather pull off his toes one by one rather than go out with that fishy ass douche hipster.

Slowly he made his way over to the bathroom and glanced at himself in the mirror. Besides the bags that were usually under his eyes he looked fairly normal. He wasn't even going to bother with his hair, knowing that it did nothing put puff up like an angry puffer fish if anyone tried to tame the unruly mess. So he did his buisness and got out of the bathroom, practically running down the stairs to make himself something to eat when he heard a knock at the door. An excited knock. A long knock. It was loud and harsh to His still waking ears and they just kept knocking. Once at the door he swung it open and stared at the troll standing there.

"Keep up with your never ending knocking and I'll rip your nook fisting arm right off of your flat chested torso." He growled at Terezi who was grinning like she would be staring at the camera any moment, whipping off her pointy red glasses and going. 'Oh, Karkat.' The studio audience would roar with laughter and dissolve into giggles as the next scene of this tragic sit-com of a life played on.

"Aw. Someone's happy to see me!' She cackled before walking past him and into the living room where she plopped down on her favorite couch and crossed her legs. "So, nerd, where are we eating out today??" The teal blooded grinned, rubbing her hands together. Karkat sighed and blew some of his messy bangs out of his eyes.

"Hmm? I thought you were gonna go nosh spaghetti with the douche canoe?" He mumbled sarcastically.

The douche canoe was Dave. Dave Strider. It wasn't as though he was new in town. He had been here since his first year of high school. Of course Karkat didn't get the 'lovely' chance to meet him because he was still in his last year of middle school and when the troll finally got to high school, Strider had magically disappeared to Washington for a year. There was rumors that it was to see his boyfriend but when it didn't work out he came back home for the summer but rumors were rumors and who knew if they were true. But that wasn't why he hated him so much. He hated him because yes he had come home and planned out staying here at the beginning of summer. And guess who just so happened to bump into him and become instant besties with? Terezi. Karkat's Terezi. That's what really pissed him off. And it sure as hell seemed the teal blooded troll was horns over heels for Strider. While the other troll had been begging for her affection for practically years. It just wasn't fair.

"What? Oh jesus christ, Karkat. Don't be like that." She groaned, her wicked grin fading into a tight frown as she scrunched up her eyebrows at him.

"Sorry. But you really should be getting back to Stridouche. It's probably been half an hour since you guys touched each other's asses and made out in the shower." He mumbled as he leaned back in the recliner that was next to the couch.

"God dammit, Karkat! He's not my boyfriend and you're being a huge jerk!! It's not like that with him!" She yelled, standing up exasperatedly. "What do you have against him?!"

Uhm, one: he stole all my time with you Terezi. Two: I was going to ask you out until he showed up. Three: Strider is a really fucking dumb name. "Nothing. I just don't like the sound of this guy." The shorter mumbled. The teal blood slammed her cane onto the ground with a sound of anger.

"You know what? Fine. I don't want to hang out while you're being a fucking prick anyways." She sighed as she picked up her cane and started walking towards the door. "Call me when you're not being a little bitch." The taller growled before leaving and slamming the door loudly behind her.

Wow. Such the ladies man Karkat. With a soft sigh he lifted himself from the couch and trudged slowly up the stairs and into his bedroom. He practically melted into his bed and cuddled up next to his pillows when of course Kankri had to waltz in. And begin to lecture him on keeping his volume in check.

"Karkat? Hello, my dear dancestor. How are you feeling? I was just doing some early morning reading in my bedroom when I heard the young Pyrope girl yelling at you. Now pardon me, but I did listen to what she was saying, only for the reason that were she to hit you I would come down and make sure nothing would happen. Please do not think of it as eavesdropping for that is quite the triggering subject for myself and several others. Now how are you feeli-?" The long winded Vantas was cut off.

"I'd be better if you wouldn't insist on babbling like bulge munching ass wipe and just left me alone." He snarled, glaring at Kankri.

"Alright. If that is what you desire I will take my leave. But do not hesitate to ask for something if it will help improve your mood." The older Vantas smiled sweetly and left the room, shutting the door gently behind him.

Admittedly, Karkat wasn't expecting him to be that passive but he was glad nonethelesss that he had left. He wanted to wallow in self pity because he was not the one to apoligize ever. Expecially for 'being a little bitch.' That wasn't his style nor will it ever be.

With his small body buried deep in his blankets and pillows, missing his recuperacoon that was back on Alternia from when he was a lot smaller. He was nearly asleep when his phone started to buzz. After glancing at he sighed heavily and decided against answering it

The screen had a notification that read:

-GallowsCalibrator has began trolling CarcinoGeneticist at 12:16-

He just ignored it and went back to his attempt at sleep.
I dunno if that was long enough? I know not much happened but I'm not sure if this chapter was too short.

If you're even reading this give me a comment saying whether or not you want me to make the chapters longer

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