Chapter 2

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Lmao cause why not make like six chapters in one day.

-Terezi's POV-

Terezi was storming off and she didn't quite know where she even wanted to go but she just needed to think.

Why was Karkat acting like that. Usually he would have done a fucking back flip in his sarcastic grumpy style when they were able to hang out. Hell, it had been like that since before Alternia went absolutely nuts and they sent twenty-four of the younger trolls to Earth for a chance to save their race while the planet crumbled and everyone died. Accept for re twelve young trolls and the twelve older dancestor sent with them to watch over them. But nothing had changed and Karkat and Terezi still hung out. That was, until now anyways.

She found her feet taking towards a small playground across from Dave's apartment building. With a small sigh she sat in one of the swings, swinging gently while dragging the tip.of her cane in the mulch that crunched beneath her red vans. Even the glorious smell of bright red didn't lift her spirits. Why did boys have to be so stupid and confusing? It just made the Pyrope's head hurt and she wondered how Latula even dealt with Mituna. She wouldn't know much about how to deal with crabby little jealous trolls though.

With a deep inhale she got a food mental image of where she was. The sun was high in the sky and it was blasting heat down onto her through hee shirt she was burning up. Quickly Terezi ran to the shade under a tree, a small breeze rustling her raven, shoulder length hair against her teal t-shirt. With a content smile to herself she laid out on the grass with a small stretch she closed her eyes as if it made a difference. Before she knew it she felt herself dozing off in the soft grass underneath her.

A hazy dream filled her sleeping mind. There she was and she could see everything so clearly like before she was blind. She felt so much better as she looked around, grinning like a maniac as she cackled wildly and ran as fast as her feet could take her. Through a stream, under the trees, on the streets, up a hill and wherever she wanted. Suddenly it seemed as though time slowed down and everything got dark. She looked around frantically. It seemed as though something was going to happen and it wouldn't be something good.


What was someone saying her name?


Yeah most likely her name. But who was talking? Their voice was so deep and hard to make out.

"Yo, Terezi?"

She woke up with a jump at the last phrase. The voice easier to identify. It was Dave. And Dave was actually lying in the grass next to her right now.

"What are you doing?" The teal blood asked groggily, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes even though that wouldn't really matter for her. She felt him shrug next to her.

"Well you were getting some pretty nasty stares from strangers so I laid down next to you to make it look like we were chilling." He chuckled and she could barely smell the smallest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of the cool kid's lips.

"You're the best, Dave." She giggled, slapping her forehead.

"You know it, TZ." He teased. "So what we're you doing taking a nap under a tree? Are you homeless now?" The blonde spoke most of his words without actually meaning them.

"I came out here to think about some complicated boy junk and the breeze and sun under this tree was pretty nice so I took a quick snooze." She shrugged and felt Dave chuckle the slightest bit.

"Do you want to talk about the 'complicated boy junk'" He grinned boyishly while wiggling his eyebrows, making him look more like a child and less than a soon to be 17 year old. The shorter troll shoved his shoulder and stuck out her tongue.

"Oh shut up, Dave. Not that kind of junk." She giggled before sighing. "I wish it was that junk. It would be a lot less complicated and confusing."

"Well, jeez. C'mon, spill." He mumbled.

"It's Karkat-"
"Yes now shut up and let me finish my story!" She growled playfully.

"We haven't been hanging out too much and I felt bad about it so I went over to his house so we could go out to eat and hang, maybe see a movie. But then he starts going off on me!" Terezi yelled throwing her arms up. "He thinks we're practically a couple and I think he's super mega jealous no matter how many times I tell him it just isn't like that!"

Dave nodded thoughtfully next to her. He really didn't want to do what he was about to do but if it made her happy he would do it. "I could invite him to the pool party everyone's going to tomorrow." He suggested. The troll's face lit up with a huge grin. As she turned to Dave.

"Oh my god! That is a great idea!" She giggled before giving the Strider a tight hug. "Here I'll text him right now!" She whipped her phone out right away.

-GallowsCalibrator has began trolling CarcinoGeneticist at 12:16-


-GallowsCalibrator ceased trolling CarcinoGeneticist at 12:21-

"There! I pestered him to come party with us tomorrow it should be sweet!" Terezi grinned wildly. Dave just gave her a slight nod as he sat up next to her as she stood.

"Sweet." He mumbled. It was weird how he was acting like it was sweet but it sure didn't seem that way. Terezi kneeled down next to the cool kid.

"What's wrong Davey?" She asked, poking his side through his raglan shirt with the broken record on it. He sighed heavily.

"It's nothing dude. Really." He shrugged with his signature poker face plastered on tightly. The teal blooded troll's smile returned and she stood back up.

"Alright whatever you say Mr. Cherry Shirt." The shorter giggled as she helped Dave to his feet. "Well if that's it I have to get going. I'm staaaaarving!" She whined.

"Where are you going? I'm too lazy to go back to my building." He mumbled looking at his phone to check the time.

"Hell if I know. I was thinking fast food." She cackled grabbing his hand. "Let's just get the most unhealthy thing we can find and devour it whole." Terezi smirked, fist pumping the air and pulling him towards the nearest McDonald's. Although it nagged in the back of her head, why had Dave acted so weird a little bit ago?

-Dave's POV-

You hate Karkat.

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