Chapter 3

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-Karkat's POV-

It was so warm and the room was golden and the way he felt he didn't want to wake up. He wanted to stay like that, floating on a ray of sunshine that wasn't fluorescent and painful. I was soft and the color of bright sand. It was hard to not love how everything was right now. Hard not to sigh and soak everything around him in, permanently imprinting it into his mind forever.

But then he woke up and his happy feeling drifted away with the hazy dream feeling that had filled his body seconds before. The room was filled with the orangey haze of a glowing sunset as it drifted lazily through his window. There really wasn't anything better than sleeping and Karkat was about to go back to it with a casual glance at his alarm clock to check the time. It was 6:32!! Not only had he slept for almost 5 hours, he was almost late for meeting up with Eridan!

((A/N y'all forget that on the meteor they were best friends lmao))

It was Karkat's and Eridan's thing, every Tuesday evening they would meet up at a diner and bitch about how everyone or converse on how to fix the fishy troll's problem of the week.

With a tumbling motion and a dizzy head that made him feel like he just did twenty somersaults he stumbled out of bed and over to his dresser to slip his scrawny legs in grey jeans that fit him rather well in his opinion. Not bothering to change out of his loose crab shirt that reached halfway to his knees and made him look even smaller than he already was, he slipped his feet into a pair of socks and his grey converse.

Kankri knew where Karkat was going so he didn't say anything to him on his way out of the house. He started running on the sidewalk, only.pausing once to make sure his wallet was in his pocket. It only had about a hundred dollars which really wasn't as much as you would think it is but it was a good amount for mowing lawns and watching people's little beasts all summer. Not that there were many people that would let an alien within ten feet of their home without hiding their children and closing the blinds.

The humans didn't really like the trolls. They were outnumbered greatly by the amount of people and the majority always rules so most people saw them as little grey monkeys who were out to get them and dangerous. When it in fact it was quite the opposite. In fact there was an article in the newspaper and bit on it on the news. It had read rhat scientists eagerly awaited the first troll death so they could experiment on their body and find the inner workings of a troll. Not only was it incredibly fucked up in SO many ways, the first troll to die would be Kankri. Damn the fucking hemospectrum. Life was hard for a mutant who's life expectancy was about 50-60 years.

It was really bringing the Vantas down to think about losing Kankri so he just focused as hard as he could on keeping his breathing under control as he ran to the diner. With a glance at the big glass windows there was the hipster douche. He lifted up his grey wrist to show his wrist watch in a pantomime of 'you're late!' With a roll of his eyes the shorter troll walked through the double doors to the diner and sat in the booth across from Eridan.

"So have you picked out our 'thrilling' choice of the night?" Karkat asked, making air quotes for thrilling. It was a little tradition to try everything om the menu whether they had it before or not and it actually led to some really great or terribly awful meals.

"Actually, w-we only have tw-wo things w-we hawen't had yet. I w-was thinking w-why not both." The fishy troll shrugged as he closed the menu. With a thoughtful nod the candy blooded troll rested his head in one of his hands.

"Sounds good. What god awful piece of shit are we shoving down our protein chutes violently today?" He mumbled, stirring the straw that resided in his glass of water.

"Barbecue pizza aaaaand.." with a flick of his fins he glanced back down at the menu. "And seafood trio. It's got like crab and shit." He mumbled before closing his menu and looking Karkat up and down, his eyes stopping at the t-shirt. "Speaking of crab.." He smirked.

"I'm wearing it for Sollux's dumbass bet and I was in such a rush that I didn't change out of it." He sneered at the Ampora.

"Ugh. Speaking of Sol, he is being such a glubbing ass this w-week!" He started his routine of bitching and moaning. "So I w-was literally just hanging out w-with Fef, right and he like just makes fun a me! I didn't ewen do anythin to him yet."

"Maybe he's got black feelings for you?" The smaller suggested with a sip of water.

"Pfft. No. He's already made it quite clear to me that he ain't feelin anythin tow-wards me." Eridan mumbled. "An I don't think it's just grumpy red feelins either."

"Damn that was my next choice.

"Yeah, I figured it w-was." The purple blood grinned and rolled his eyes. "Now-w tell me w-what ridiculous shit had been going on in your life Kar." He ordered, putting his head in his hands.

Karkat had took a deep breath and was about to explain his dilemma when the wait or came over and they quickly ordered his food. With a clear of his throat he actually started talking.

"So Terezi comes over right? And I knew she was coming, so I actually put on a shirt and I dunno I guess I got snappy after she asked where we would eat for lunch and then..." He continued to explain the story up until the point where he was right now. Eridan sipped his water thoughtfully.

"No I get it. I w-was jealous of Sollux for taking up all of Fef's time." He mumbled, making circles on the table with one of his sharp nails. The both of them leaned back as the plates were set in front of them. "Maybe this w-won't be disgusting." Eridan muttered with a glance at the food.

"So what the fuck do I do about this incredibly shitty situation?" Karkat asked with a sigh as he dug into the pizza.

After finishing up the surprisingly good food and talking out a few more problems and discussed some serious jerks they were about to go their separate ways. Eridan wrapped the shorter into a friendly hug and they walked out together. When they finally had to go their separate ways they said a few parting words.

"Alright, Kar. I hawe to go now-w." The purple blooded troll mumbled waving a quick goodbye.

"Ok, see you next week fishdick." The shorter teased as he walked away.

"Oh, and don't forget to check that message!" The fishy troll yelled out as he jogged back to his apartment. With the smallest of grins on his face he rolled his eyes and walked back home.

His mind always felt clearer after a good bitching session with Eridan he felt lighter as he walked up the stairs and into his own apartment. When he was in his room he flopped down onto his bed to check his phone. And sure enough the messages were unread and rather important.

-GallowsCalibrator has began trolling CarcinoGeneticist at 12:16-


-GallowsCalibrator ceased trolling CarcinoGeneticist at 12:21-

Karkat sighed and sent a quick response that told her that he would be coming, but only to hang out with her.

At least he didn't have to apoligize.

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