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Well shit my dudes, first off I want to give you a humongous apology! It has been almost a year since I posted a chapter for this and I even had a good bit of this fanfic planned out, I shit you not, so some of my flow for this story is still up in my old noggin. Secondly, I will probably be able to write more and more often because I got a new laptop and I haven't been writing so i'm excited to get this shit good tbh. As for the little pictures I used to do at the beginning of each chapter I dunno if that will keep happening because I am lazy as shit lmao

I know you guys don't want some bullshit excuse of why I was gone for a bajillion years but imma give ya one anyways. 1. summer was really busy lmao 2. stress so bad I actually ended up in the hospital because of an attempted suicide (that's all I will say here but if you do need to talk to me just message me) 3. I've had a lot of doctor appointments and lastly 4. I'M LAZYYY (but don't worry i'm better now with EVERYTHING)

While I will try to type up as many chapters as I can, final exams are coming up soon and I'm going to warn you I get unmotivated. So while I do promise to produce more content I cannot promise that it will be weekly. Sadly this is even the deal in summer time because I have to work as a camp counselor.

ANYWAYSSSSS this story has 200+ reads which is super dope and I'm super sorry for taking so long, I'm actually going to start on chapter 4 riGHT FUCKIN' NOW FAM!!!11!111!!!!!

-yo dank ass pal, Derek

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