Chapter 8

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Hello, readers of this story! It's me, the author of it. I'd like to apologize for my recent inactivity on here. I meant to update this story much sooner, but I haven't been able to due to writer's block and finals. However, my finals have ended today and I've recovered from my lack of ideas, so here is another chapter for you guys! My first full day of summer will be this Friday, so be prepared for me to update much more once that day comes. Also, I just want to put it out there that depending on what happens this week with the Steven Bomb going on (yay, a week of my favorite show :D) parts of this story are subject to change if the show mentions Peridot again, or if they reveal her weapon or anything like that. Okay, bye for now!
~ @awesomeri14

Peridot woke up the next day with a stiff neck. Wincing, she sat up on the couch that she had fallen asleep on and yawned, stretching her arms. Her fingers met with her gem and she moved her hand away from it. The crack was still there, and it was upsetting that she couldn't do anything to fix it. She shrugged and stood up entirely. As long as the crack didn't get any worse, it wouldn't be a problem for her. The smell of food lured her to a part of Ben's house, one that contained a black thing with steam rising from it. "Good morning, Peri," Ben said as she walked over to him. "I made breakfast. Are you hungry?" Peridot examined what the human had made. The things were round and sizzled until they were a pale brown. " thank you." Ben took a bite out of one of the things.he had placed some on a plate nearby. "Aw, come on, Peridot. Eat some! Pancakes are good!" He grabbed another and waved it in front of the green gem's face. "You know you want to!" Peridot stifled a laugh and pushed his hand away. "Not right now! Did you forget what you were supposed to do today?" Ben shook his head, his dark hair falling into his eyes. "No, you wanted me to help you come up with a disguise. Lighten up a little." He tossed another pancake into his mouth with a smile. Peridot frowned. "Ben, this is extremely important. The Crystal Gems could come here at any moment. I need to look different as soon as possible!" Ben swallowed his food and then held up his hands. "Alright, Alright, I'll help you. I've got some black hair dye you could use it that's okay." The green gem nodded, her impatient expression fading. Despite not knowing what hair dye was, she knew it could be the key to her concealment, and that was a good thing. The boy could help her with it anyway. "Yes, that'll do. Lead the way." Ben nodded and held one hand up to his head in a mock military salute. "Yes, ma'am!" Peridot rolled her light green eyes. "Just go already."

The human and the gem hurried through the house. Peridot recoiled at every little noise, staying close to Ben. The boy was wary too, but didn't panic as much as she did. At last, they came to a small room with a white and blue tiled floor. "Okay," Ben said. "Wait here, Peri." He stepped inside of the room and returned with a little bottle that was black and sealed at the top. Peridot looked at it nervously as she went inside of the room to stand beside him. "Is that...permanent?" Ben shrugged. "No, but it will last for a long time. Is that okay with you?" Peridot nodded, swallowing hard. Her hair wasn't important. It was her safety that needed to be her main concern, and this would hopefully help her to remain hidden. She stood still as Ben put the dye in her hair for her. After a few minutes, her hair was jet black and stood out against her pale green face. "There," Ben murmured, stepping back. "How's that?" The green gem ran her fingers through her newly colored hair and sighed. "It's fine, but we'll need to cover up my gem. No one can see that, or they'll know who and what I am immediately." Ben smirked. "I thought you might say that. Here." The human pulled out a strip of thick, neon green cloth and put it on Peridot's forehead and over her gemstone. The gem winced as the thing pressed down on her injury, but the pain gradually faded away. "What is this?" she wondered aloud. "A headband. I think you're set now, Peri. You're safe." Ben rubbed the palms of his hands on his pants, his blue eyes wide. Peridot smiled. "Thank you, Ben. For all of this." The boy's face lit up. "You just smiled. You smiled." Peridot narrowed her eyes. "Yeah. What about it?" "You've never smiled at me before. I got you to smile! Yes!" He laughed and pumped one of his fists up in the air. Peridot put a hand to her head. "You're such an idiot." Ben grinned. "That's true, but if you didn't like my idiotic ways, you wouldn't have come to me for help." Peridot held back a laugh and instead looked away from him. She turned to leave the room, but caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror in the room and froze instantly. Her hair contrasted greatly with her skin, and the headband she wore couldn't keep her gem beneath it from showing itself anyway due to its size. The green gem trembled and ran out of the room quickly. Ben noticed and followed her. "Wait!" he called. "Peridot, wait! What's wrong?" The gem came to a stop inside of Ben's living room and collapsed onto one of his couches. The boy stopped there too, his breathing now coming out in ragged gasps from trying to keep up with her. "You'," he wheezed. "How run like that?" When Peridot didn't answer, Ben became concerned and moved to sit beside her. "This will never work," the gem mumbled into the couch cushions. "I look ridiculous, and the rogue gems that are after me are smart enough to still recognize me, even with this disguise." She sat up, her eyes glittering with tears. "Don't try to help me anymore," she cried. "You're only putting yourself in danger. For what I've done, I deserve to die at my enemies' hands." Peridot shuddered and turned away from Ben, shaking as she sobbed. The boy grabbed one of her arms and tugged at it until she turned to look at him again. He placed his hands on her shoulders to hold her upright and to keep her gaze on him. "You're a good person," he told her. "I know you are. I'm sure those other gems can forgive you for what you've done, Peri." Peridot glared at him and narrowed her eyes. "You don't understand! I've done something unspeakable to this planet, and if I told you what it was, you'd hate me for it." Ben moved Peridot back when she tried to inch away from him again. "Tell me then, and we'll see if you're right about me and how I'd feel. What did you do, Peridot?" The green gem opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say a word, a loud pounding came at the door to Ben's house, as if someone were forcefully slamming their fists against the door. "Open up!" someone shouted. The gem went rigid, and got up off of the couch in an instant. "It's one of them!" she hissed. "It's one of the Crystal Gems! Help me hide!"

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