Chapter 16

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Peridot watches in terror as the fusion of two of her enemies summon their  weapons and form them into a massive war hammer. The Steven is excitedly asking her questions, making the green gem wonder if he knows how dangerous fusions can be. That's why home world disapproved of it, because of the constant peril gems would be in. Sure, it made you stronger, but only for a brief amount of time, and if you stayed together for too long, you could lose yourself to the fusion. Peridot shuddered at the thought. As she watched the giant being speak and move to impress the little boy below her, she couldn't help but think that the two gems together looked almost...happy. Were they enjoying being fused like that? The green gem shook her head to clear it of these thoughts. That wasn't possible, and with the technology they had back on home world, fusion wouldn't be necessary. Nowadays, a gem could just press a button and a rebel could be blown into bits, but fusion seemed..better, almost. Had Yellow Diamond been wrong? Ben startled her out of this thought. "They're awesome together! Have you ever fused before?" Peridot rolled her eyes. His child-like interest was starting to bother her. "No." "No? Why not?" Peridot grabbed his arm and began to pull him away from the tree. "I'll tell you why later. Let's get out of here-" The gem froze and gasped when Sardonyx whirled around in the air with her hammer, smashing the communication hub as she went. Peridot shook like a leaf, her eyes wide. Ben's voice didn't make her move again. "You're right, we should get going while they're distracted. Peri, let's go. Peri? Are you okay?" Peridot raised a trembling hand to point up at the huge weapon the fusion held. "Giant h-hammer," she whimpered. "They'll crush me w-with it!" "They won't if we run." Ben took Peridot's hand in his, and dragged her forward. "Come on, already!" The green gem broke out of her frozen trance and followed the human's lead, running as fast as she could. The fusion nearly spotted them as they ran, but Peridot put on an extra startling burst of speed, pulling Ben along with her.

Ben almost fell to his knees when Peridot finally stopped yanking him behind her as she ran. His face was flushed from running so much. "Peri, I...need to..lie down." "Go ahead," she murmured. The boy smiled from relief, and then dropped to the ground from where he stood. The green gem let him rest, and looked at her surroundings with narrowed eyes. It was a forest, with sandy soil and pine trees everywhere. Peridot scowled. There was nothing here for her to use to build a ship. She looked down at Ben's worn out form. His eyes were closed, and he was curled up in the fetal position, attempting to sleep on the hard ground. Annoyed by his sudden weakness, Peridot kicked his leg. Ben woke up instantly, gasping like a fish on land. He grasped the leg that the gem had hit and cried out. "Ow! Peridot, why'd you kick me? That hurt!" The gem gazed at his leg, and saw why he was complaining. There was a cut there that was oozing with a dark red substance. She grimaced at the sight, but then felt sorry for him. He was clearly in pain. She hadn't meant to hurt him, she'd just wanted to wake him up. Guilt made the constant agony in her gem increase, and she groaned. Her form wavered again, and Ben spoke, his injury forgotten for the moment. "Whoa. Peri, is your gem okay?" Peridot's expression softened. He cares so deeply for me, when I've been so cruel and rude towards him, she thought. Humans are very forgiving. "I...yes. I'm fine. okay?"

Ben's eyes widened. Peridot had never shown any concern for his well being before. She had never said anything even remotely like that before today. The boy swallowed hard and looked at the wound she had inflicted on him. There was a bruise there too, a dark purplish one that ached endlessly. He wasn't about to show her that he wasn't okay, though. He sat up straight and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. you want me to go home? I know I've been nothing but a nuisance for you, and I understand if you want me to leave you alone now." He sighed. This was the part where he'd go, and never see her again.

Peridot didn't know why, but the feeling she had no name for stirred inside of her again, and she couldn't imagine leaving him behind, not while he was hurt. This wasn't right, but she couldn't stop herself from telling the idiotic boy at her feet that she didn't mind. " can come with me. I mean, the Crystal Gems might try to kill you if you stay. Is that acceptable?"

Ben nodded briskly, happiness welling up inside of him. "Yeah. Yes! Let's go!" He knew he should be afraid of the other gems after Peri. They could easily kill her now, and with their otherworldly powers, he didn't stand a chance either. But even with those odds, something about the way Peridot looked at him now gave him strength. He took her hand again, and walked with her, unafraid of what the future held for both of them. He clutched his Doritos in his free hand, realizing that he'd probably have to live off of them for a while, but he could do it. As long as Peridot believed in him, he knew he could.

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