Please read this!!

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Okay, to start off, this isn't a new chapter, but don't lose interest! I wanted my reader's opinion on something. There's a pretty big guarantee I'll listen, so yeah.

Here's the important part. After the next chapter, I was thinking that I would end this book, or go on hiatus until the next steven universe episode whichever you'd rather have. It's probably going to be the first thing, and if it is, would you guys want there to be a sequel? If it's the second thing, I might not update for a while, but it would give me some time to update my other stories on here instead of devoting all my time and energy to this one fanfic. Also, I need some ideas too since the show's on a break, and there isn't much for me to write about.

Alright, that was it. I'd appreciate comments on this, if you have something to say, but I won't take every suggestion, so make what you say count. This might not be up for long, so...try to reply soon.

Also, thank you so much for reading this! It makes me so happy to see votes and comments come up on my feed, and to hear from you all, so thank you so much! (Gives you hugs)

Okay, that's enough. Bye :3 ~ awesomeri14

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