Into the Beast world

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Michelle was drinking in her surroundings as she walked along this unfamiliar forest path. She walks through this forest everyday and knows it like the back of her hand, and yet, she has no idea where she is.

Compared to the usual forest this one is far larger and denser with vast stretches of giant trees.

'I'm definitely lost. I've been walking for hours'

Michelle glances at what she can see of the sky through the dense treetops.

'It's sunset already huh? It looks like I'll be sleeping in the woods tonight. Hah! Lucky me.' Michelle let out a deep sigh and slid down the nearest tree.

<Ding! Congratulations! Host Michelle has been chosen by the beast god to wield the Beastworld Rescue System! Please use this system to help you save the Beastworld.>


She stared wide eyed at the screen and froze.

'Save the Beastworld?! I don't even know where that is! Or where I am for that matter. How the hell am I supposed to save it?!'

<You are in the Beastworld. The Beast God wishes for you to save his people by increasing the population and introducing new advancements. In this world you will be expected to have multiple mates and offspring as a part of your Rescue system. Females are rare and the Beast World population is dwindling. Do you require more information at this time Host?>

"No. Thank you System."

'Hmm, I remember reading novels about beastworlds before. If I put aside the fact that I'm expected to save the world, then this is pretty exciting. Besides, who am I to refuse a God.'

Michelle stood up from her spot. She felt anything but tired after the shock she just received. She decided to walk around a little to see if she could find anything or anyone.

<Ding! New Quest Available: find nearest water source.>

'...How the hell should I go about doing that?! Hm? Seriously? That's a bit lucky, I think I hear running water!'

She follows the sounds of running water, and opens up the brush in front of her.

'I found it!'

<Ding! Quest Complete. Here are your rewards: +1 skill point, +1 Stat point, +10 shop currency>


Michelle cocks her head and looks for the source of the noise. She sees a huge Fennec Fox walking towards her.

"So... So Cute!!"

'This fox is adorable! Huh? Are their ears turning red?'

The Fennec Fox stops a meter in front of her and starts transforming into a human right before her eyes.

Michelle checks over the fox. He stands at least a foot taller than her, with two huge fox ears and round black eyes as dark as the night. He has dirty Blond short hair with 2 long braids and a long fluffy tail.

Her eyes automatically hover over something big.

"(Whistles) WOW"


Michelle slaps her palms to her mouth in a hurry to prevent any more words from spewing out. 'Damn my dirty mouth! I can't help myself, this man must have been sculpted by a god!'

The male in front of her Blushed and wagged his tail. His eyes were practically sparkling.

"Hello Female! My name is Kael!!"

Michelle slowly lowers her hands from her mouth while sporting a heavy blush on her cheeks.

"Hi! I'm Michelle. I'm lost. Can I ask for your help?"

"Of course! What tribe do you come from?"

"T...T...Tribe? Uhh well I don't really remember actually"

Michelle looked down and twiddled her fingers. She's a terrible liar. She sighed. 'My family could always tell when I was lying, it would be hard to keep my secrets here.'

She looked up at Kael through her eyebrows and saw him sniffing the air deeply. 'OH god, can he smell lies!?'

"I smell no males on you. Do you not have any mates?"

Michelle blushes deeper and stares at her feet to hide it.

"Well... no, not yet. Do you?" ' Please don't have one, please don't have one.' she crossed her fingers and shut her eyes.

Kael's tail started wagging like crazy. "I... I don't have a m...mate" 'he looks nervous. But so do I probably."

<Ding! New Quest Available: Accept a Mate>

Michelle flinched and tripped over nothing. She found herself being caught and held tightly in the strong arms of Kael. She gnashed her teeth. 'Stupid System!'

"Are you okay?!"

"Y...yes I'm okay thank you." Kael looked surprised and smiled wide. 'I guess he's not used to hearing thank you based on his reaction'

"You're Welcome"

Michelle supported herself on Kael's very toned arms and steadied herself. Before releasing him she squeezed his muscles a few times subconsciously. 'Eek! Did I really just cop a feel?!'

She wanted to hide herself but she stood strong and only coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"Michelle. Please come back to my tribe with me. I can't leave you alone out here, it's too dangerous." Michelle nodded her head and looked at him with surprise as he lifted her up off the ground and carried her with one arm.


"Is everything alright?" Kael looked concerned.

", I mean yes! I am just not used to being carried. But I don't dislike it." Kael smirked at her and they walked back to the tribe like that.

The sky was dark and the night was quiet. Approaching the wolf tribe Michelle noticed a few bright eyes watching them.

On the way to the tribe Kael told Michelle that it was a tribe of mainly wolves with only a few Beastmen of other species like himself. They talked and laughed together the whole way there.

When they reached Kael's house, he set her down and she took a second to take it all in. The house was more like a shed, inside it was a mess of furs and skins strewn on a dirt floor.

"Are you sure you're okay with me staying here with you? There's not much room." Michelle stepped into the shed and sat on the ground, while looking up at Kael.

"Of course." Kael smiled and transformed into his Fennec fox Beast form. He slowly approached Michelle and cuddled around her. Nuzzling his face onto her.

She giggled and stroked his fur, while settling her back into him. Before she knew it they had fallen asleep.

Beastworld Rescue SystemWhere stories live. Discover now