Level Up!

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 Michelle woke up to an empty house. She smelled a delicious aroma and assumed Kael was cooking outside. She felt warmth in her heart. 'This is the perfect time to check my status'


<Ding! Quest Complete. Here are your rewards: +5 stat points, +5 Skill points, +250 Shop Currency.>

<Ding! Level Up! +5 hp, +5 charm, +5 endurance, +5 strength, +5 Agility, +5 Skill point, +100 Shop Currency, Unlock level 2 shop items.>

'AW Hell yeah!' Michelle practically had dollar signs in her eyes as she stared hard at the status screen. Back on earth Michelle was a bit of a money lover, she loved saving, and hoarding money as well as spending it, so she was thoroughly loving this.

'Time to use my points!!' Michelle decided to put 5 points into agility, 3 points into intelligence and 2 points into endurance.

'Hmm, as for my stat points, there's a few that I've been eyeing.' Michelle bought Plant Identification for 1 point, night vision for 5 points and Universal language skill for 5 points. 'Whelp! That's all my points'. 'Status'

Beastworld Rescue System

Host interface

Name: Michelle

Age: 20

Gender: female

Level: 2


HP: 105

Strength: 8

Agility: 15

Endurance: 11

Charm: 15

Intelligence: 16


Plant Identification 1/5 , Night vision 1/10, universal language 1/10.


Stat points: 0

Skill points: 0

Shop currency: 360

Michelle giggled lightly 'This is so fun, I can feel more energized and clear headed after adding those skill points. Amazing!' She decided to check on the level 2 shop items before going to Kael and eating.

'Open shop'


*notice: Host only has level 2 shop items unlocked, please level up to increase Shop inventory*

-vegetable seeds 100 points

-fruit seeds 100 points

-bottle of water 50 points

-bread 65 points

-first aid kit 250 points

-Playing cards 500 points

-flute 500 points

-Herbology book (+5 Plant identification skill) 650 points

Michelle gaped at the prices of the new items 'I totally want that book but I am so broke. Oh well I'll just have to save up for now.' She got up and left the house to find Kael roasting some Meat that looked like pork.

Michelle blushed at the sight of him "Hi Kael" Kael looked at Michelle while wagging his tail.

"Hello Mate!!" He looked at her with stars in his eyes but then he looked at her chest and started tearing up a bit.

"Kael! What's wrong!?" Michelle rushed over to him and grabbed him face lightly.

He looked up at her with a silly smile and said "My mark, It's near your heart. You must like me". Michelle looked at her chest to see a fennec fox tattoo. It was lying down and looking forward. She smiled gently.

"of course I like you" Michelle started caressing his face and then started kissing him slowly. As she pulled away she felt a sense of belonging. Back on earth, she never felt like she had a proper home, so this was new to her, but she loved it.

They ate the meat together while cuddling up next to each other. Michelle felt many eyes on her and scanned the treeline. She saw many eyes on them. "Hey Kael, why are they watching us?".

"They are watching YOU, mate. They have never seen a female so beautiful. But don't worry I am using my beast aura to keep them from approaching you".

"Thank you Kael."

"Michelle, tomorrow we should head to the healers to ask about the plants you wanted. Hopefully he will have information on them."

After eating, they bathed before heading back to the house. Michelle cuddled up to Kael on the messy fur bed. She made a mess of his hair and scratched his favorite spot behind his ears. Hearing the purring, she knew she was doing something right.

She turned her attention to his tail and pulled on it. "Ahhgh" He moaned in pleasure and his eyes rolled back. Michelle put on a smug smirk and pulled some more, stroking higher on his tail as his moans became more frequent. She pulled off his fur skirt and started to pump his engorged shaft as she continued to play with his tail.

Kael tried to trail his hands along her body but the pleasure was too intense. He managed to grab one of her breasts and started squeezing it as he came on her chest.

Kael lightly growled as he flipped her under him and held her hands above her head with one hand and trailed his other hand across her curves. He brought his mouth down to her nipples and started sucking and lightly biting them. "Ahhh" She moaned "more please more Kael".

They continued until the sun went down and they fell asleep holding each other.

The next morning Michelle awoke clean again, and knew it was Kael's doing, she smiled in contentment. Kael wasn't there but she smelt his cooking again. A warmth spread across the tattoo on her heart.

<Ding! New Quest Available! Collect three different vegetable,fruit or spice varieties.>

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