Flower Fields

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  *trigger warning mentions of sexual assault/violence*

Michelle Pov

As we got out of the river Benny and Kael kept looking around for something or someone. They searched the surrounding area before coming back to where I was. After reassuring me everything was okay I finished getting dressed and gave them each a peck on the cheek.

" I have to do a medical check on some of the tribe members but when I'm done, we should leave the tribe later today or early tomorrow morning. Me and Kael were thinking of taking you to the city of beasts, we think you'll like it. What do you think, Michelle?" Benny asked. I can tell it's less of a suggestion and more a matter of fact. They're definitely hiding something from me.

Usually males let their females make all the decisions unless there is danger or it's a necessity i've noticed. So this coming out of nowhere is quite unusual.

I knew we'd leave for the city eventually but this is very fast.

They have my best interest at heart I'm sure, but I'd prefer if they included me if it has something to do with our safety. I gave them a questioning gaze which made them flinch.

"Sure... it's a good suggestion. If there's anything I should know please tell me." I said looking down at my feet with a pitiful expression. "I want to handle everything as a family, but i feel like you're keeping secrets from me.'' I peeked at them through my eyelashes.

They both looked surprised and ashamed. They started shifting their feet while sporting guilty expressions and hurried to explain themselves...

Ah so I'm being targeted. This definitely explains their wariness.

"Thank you for being honest with me" I watched them visibly relax at my words. I chuckled. I've never been able to influence people so easily with my words. Back home no one listened to me, I was practically invisible. This is a nice change.

" Are you not scared?" Kael asked. Both men were petting me and rubbing my back, trying to comfort me.

"Of course I'm scared," I giggled. "But I trust you two with my life. I'm sure you wouldn't let anything happen to me." I smiled sincerely at them.

"While you're doing your rounds can me and Kael look around and maybe do something fun?" i get that i'm in danger but there's no way i wanna sit around on my ass in Benny's den until the danger finds me. It's so boring just waiting around.

"Well, there's a flower field nearby that the females love to go to, it should be as safe as anywhere else. Just please promise me you'll be careful." Benny looked at me with loving eyes.

"I promise" I beamed a bright smile at them and hugged them both.


As Benny was doing his rounds, me and Kael went to the flower fields.

I looked around and saw a beautiful array of flowers. A gentle breeze sways the flowers as the surrounding trees filter the sunlight reflecting on the ground. At the edge of the flower fields is a jagged cliff that looks over an amazing scenery of forest and jungle.

I see a few females picking flowers surrounded by their harems of men. I'm the only one with only one escort which puts me a bit on edge.

I need more protection. I'm more than aware of that but I can't just pick whoever comes my way. I need strong males.

I pull Kael towards an empty area near the edge of the cliff but far enough away to prevent any accidents.

I sit in the flowers leaning against Kael, while listening to the wind and the birds singing. I had just managed to fall asleep when I was woken up by yelling.

I see Kael fighting desperately against two other beastmen while trying to protect me. All the other females had long fled with their males.

I look up to see a creepy looking male approaching me with a wicked smile filled with lust . It didn't take a scholar to understand what this look meant for me.

"You stay away from her!" Kael yelled with blood dripping from his forehead, still desperately trying to reach me while fighting off the two males.

I stood up slowly backing up until I was a few steps to the cliff's edge.

Suddenly I hear laughing coming from behind the man. It was Louisa.

"Hahaha, look at you now. You may have taken Benny away from me but I'm going to make you regret ever laying a hand on him. Since you're such a dirty slut im going to give you a gift. Go ahead Freddy. Give her what she wants." Louisa taunted with a wicked smile.

Freddy inches closer. "Come here sweetheart. I'll make sure you feel real good."

I back up further. Looking behind me I see I can't go any further without falling to my death. Tears well up in my eyes. I don't want to lose this life. I don't want to lose my mates.

I can't make my way around the creepy male. He reaches out to me and I flinch. This caused a crack in the cliff where I was standing. My life flashes before my eyes as I fall back off the cliff into the air.

"Michelle NOOO!" Kael screamed and struggled.

Back on earth I was pathetic. I had no job, no school, no friends, no life. I lived with my parents who were sick of putting up with me. My whole life I had wanted to escape to somewhere where I wouldn't be expected to work my ass off to live when I can't even get myself out of bed. I wanted to be wanted and seen and most of all I wanted to be loved. I finally got what I wanted and I screwed it all up. I'm so stupid. I'm ashamed.

I never thought I'd get to experience something so lovely as this life. For the first time in my life I prayed, I prayed to the god these people worship; the beast god.

"Dear beast god If I were to have one wish it would be to survive this fall so I can stay in this world. Please hear my plea. Please save me."

Understood, system override; Wish granted. Now teleporting Host.

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