3) Similar

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We sat in silence in the empty hut. Newt has suggested letting her stay at Thomas's and his place so Aris and I could "properly process what we had learned". We were hesitant, but when Luna said she thought it was a good idea we couldn't just say no. Especially, when we could tell she didn't like not having her questions answered. I remember what it was like to have no choice when they're already being stolen from you. I may as well give her that.

Just like you gave her that disease.

"It's not your fault,"He whispered after a while.

"I know,"I lied, holding back tears.

"No you don't. I can hear the guilt."

"I haven't been speaking,"I pointed out.

"You don't have to. I know you Y/N. I know you think there's something you could have done differently to stop this."

"What if there was?"I asked, closing my eyes as tears threatened to pour.

"All we can do now is get her to the city."

"Yeah. All we have to do is go back to that ruined city, going through Crank tunnels where we almost died, go to the WICKED building full of agonizing memories, pass by the places where people were killed, and there's blood on our hands. What an easy thing to do,"I listed, giving a bitter laugh.

He was dead silent as we sat there in the dark staring at nothing. Without a word he stood up and pulled out something I hadn't seen in a long time. The memory box.

"Read this,"He said, almost silently as he handed me an envelope. I held it on my hands and instantly recognized it. It was the letter I had written him years ago.

"Aris, what is-"
"Just read it,"He repeated.

I took a shaky breath as I glanced at the words I hadn't looked at in years. The crinkles in the pages and slight rips on the edges told me he had though. Some of the ink was smeared, but I could still make out what it said.

Dear Aris Jones,
The plan when I met you for the second time was simple. Don't get attached to the seemingly random boy who was just supposed to be a partner. Instead, I had fallen in love with you all over again. That's the proof of soulmates. Us. Because even after being separated time and time again we always made our way back to each other. When they called my name all I could think was that I was leaving someone else I care for behind.

With each word my hands trembled. I had put everything I had, my heart and soul, into each word, each stroke of the pen. Picking it up and seeing it again almost felt unreal.

Then, I actually received my memories. Each one was a rollercoaster of emotions, but one thing was the same. From silent tears, to quiet laughs, they all connected to the same path. They all connected to you.

That was more than true. Every decision has led us here. Except, now it was a much darker path we were on.

The anger I had felt when I first laid eyes on you after that wasn't really anger. I just didn't understand how you always came back to me. Even though I was technically a stranger it's almost like you knew that wasn't true. In a way I think you felt the pull I did that showed that I was your girl. Just like when we were innocent kids, confused teenagers, and, and whatever the hell we are now. Even after this I'll forever be your girl.

The words started out so hopeful. So did life. Now it is screwing us over again. In a way I think I'm actually angry this time. We had deserved better. Luna deserved better.

You have done so much more than you know. You always tried to understand what was going in inside my head, and you did. You knew the exact words to say and knew how I was feeling before I did. You saw through me as if I were glass.

The Story Never Ends (Book 3. of A Beautiful Distraction Where stories live. Discover now