8) Deserving

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"So how's life been for you all?"She asked.

"Seeing as we're going to the city take a guess,"I mumbled. Newt turned around and shot me a warning look before turning to her.

"It's been all over the place. We did get a few years of peace, but we're back to needing to save someone,"He explained.

"Who are you trying to save?"

"Luna. The girl sleeping in the back that looks like Aris and Y/N,"He stated.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's an Irreparabiliss Monstrum. We need to get the cure, but all we know is that it was in the city the last time we had it was in the city."

"Are you kidding? There hasn't been a cure since it was discovered."

"Well there was only one. If we find out how to recreate it then everything is going to be fine,"Thomas explained.

"Really? That sounds like something that should end up in history books."

"Well when you only end up knowing after almost dying and turning so many times you didn't even try to not lose yourself you tend to not flaunt it,"I pointed out, taking a glance at where it has once been. The way one bit of skin could hold so many painful memories was almost unbelievable.

"Sorry,"She mumbled.

"It is what it is. All we need is now to save Luna. How far in the city do you know?"I questioned.

"From the tunnels to the fallen buildings, I know everything. If you need a tour guide then I'm the best bet."

"What about the WICKED building? Can you get us there?"Brenda asked.

"Yeah, but most people avoid it."

"Why?"Thomas wondered.

"It's for all this creepy stuff hidden about. These strange machines it looks like you hook humans to, padded rooms, tables with restraints, needles and iv's that still have some unknown liquids, and all this lab equipment,"She listed.

"The simulators,"Minho said to himself before glancing at me. I looked back at him in understanding. No matter how many years it had been those had scared us to the bone.

Luna's P.O.V

I had always loved sleeping. There was just something about dozing off that made everything better, though it wasn't exactly the physical act of being unconscious. When I got to go somewhere in my dreams the world was better. My life is amazing, but I can't help but wonder what escaping it and being somewhere else is like.

This wasn't like that. I was watching a younger version of my dad, so just Aris right now, pacing around his room and looking ready to pull his hair out.

"Come on, Aris. It's just Y/N. She would understand, and you know it. She knows you better than you know yourself. So she'd understand if you just tell her how you feel,"He ranted, frantically walking in circles like a madman. Then, he flopped on his bed and groaned as he buried his face in his hand.

"I hate love,"He mumbled, curling into a ball. "I hate it, I hate it, I hate it so much,"He repeated. I don't understand. Why would he hate it? Especially, if it's about Y/N? They're never apart. If the definition of soulmates was people it would be them.

"I can't believe this. My only friend and my heart just has to want her. It couldn't just be platonic. No. It just has to want to marry her while we're like thirteen. Because that's definitely what every normal teenager wants in life,"He complained, staring at the ceiling.

"But she wouldn't judge me. This is Y/N. The sweetest, kindest, funniest, smartest, most non-judgemental, most amazing, most beautiful girl,"He swooned. I wouldn't be surprised if little hearts appeared above his head. That's just how he was talking about her. It wasn't just his words but his voice. It sounded almost light and feathery in a way.

"That's exactly why I can't tell her. She's around normal people, normal guys, all day. I'm just some nighttime adventure that she probably forgets about the next day,"He sighed. What did he mean "normal"?

"But she means everything to me. She means the world,"He stated, staring at the ceiling again. He closed his eyes and took a breath.

"I just wish that I was good enough for her. I wish that I could deserve her. I wish that I was like everyone else so I could see her whenever I wanted. I wish that I was just some subject instead of me. I wish that I was actually worth her love,"He ranted as tears filling his eyes. Without a word he sat up, leaned against the wall, pulled his knees to his chest, and cried. It was almost silent as he covered his mouth with his hand and sobbed.

"I just want someone to love me. I'm so tired of being lonely. I don't even know what I'd do if it wasn't for her. I don't even know if I could stand to be here. I can barely stand myself as it is,"He listed, putting his hands over his head. Then, he put his face in a pillow and let our muffled, pained, screams.

Even though he wasn't able to know I was there I still sat next to him. With his shoulders shaking, he cried harder than I had ever seen anyone cry. I was worried he'd make himself sick by it.

"You don't know this right now, but it gets better. You do marry Y/N, and you have a kid. You're rarely apart and are always holding hands. It's so sweet,"I promised. He just kept sobbing until it turned to quiet sniffles.

"You get the world. Just don't do something you'll regret. She looks at you like you're the only person to exist, and you look at her the same way. You set the bar for love to the point where it's almost unreachable. That's how amazing it is,"I reassured him.

His shoulders stopped shaking and his breathing became even. He had cried himself to sleep.

"Keep your head up. You deserve love,"I whispered. "And you get it."

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