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The crisp ocean smell across the mist fills the sand mounts with a calming sentiment. Across the tundra of the Salt Shoal, pelts of blue, green, brown, orange, and many more bristled as a deep chill made frost over their scales. It was the dryland season, and each inching bell that passed brought the shoal closer and closer to the formidable winter. From the merfolk across the mounds, calls like mews and barks could be heard, bubbly warm air releasing from their jaws. The ocean was slowly curling over above them in crashing waves, pulling in the long drags of sand and warm scents from the nearby beach.

A rattling sound erupted from the halls of the palace, and two merfolk paddled out nostril first. One climbed up a structure, a bulky sand tower that was the kingpin's palace, while the other stayed put at the ends of the hall. Both of them let their heads rise as the chilly underbellies of those before them brushed the sandy floor. The atlantic saury eyed the crowd with a wafting tail. Each beat of her throat was let out in passion before she halted with a loud bark.

She then, addressed the crowd. "There are spoils within each war we may fight, but they always rot after victory." Her head dipped to glare at their curling tails. "Each and every one of my swimmers here had earned their place in my care, and are cherished as family here. I am continuously searching for the best." Shen threw her gaze to the merfish who arrived with her.

The archerfish shook his hair of bubbles before chirping. "That is why we are due to announce the Ela'kallera Festival. Otherwise known as the Midnight Festival."

The crowd fixed their brows, tails all moving in approval. Their scales brushed the earth with anticipation between their closed lips, yearning to know more by the huffing they made. The atlantic saury smiled, opening her jaws once more.

"And this festival will feature an array of jakra, laok'ay, and possibly, if I am convinced, an afterparty of the grandest kind." The mermaid made a laugh loosen her lips. As she was getting ready to turn, her tail whipped the ledge of her den and she hooted at the archerfish down below. "Kal'sel, see to their questions."

"I will, Pinemoon." The merman fixed his posture as he sat, folding in his gliding fins while keeping his head smoothly upwards. He watched the crowd slowly ween off their bellies once Pinemoon entered her den, and he quickly adjusted himself for questions left and right. His  scales prickled in the warming water as each head popped up from the earth, yet only a small fin had wanted answers.

One threw their ears up to listen, then paddled over with a weary eye. They were dressed in their rags, and bore the tiniest shell as an ornament to their outfit. The blue striped angelfish shuffled within their clothes before looking towards the larger merman with concern. "A festival would greatly advance our chances, but wouldn't this be too soon?"

A long bark came from the still gathered crowd, addressing the subranked mermaid with an scowl. "Marnele, you are knowledgeable about our lasting image. We must maintain a rule that is strong, if not violent." This barking buck strolled over with regal clothing, heavy fins, and a missing eye. The gash that ran deep in their scaly face had been patched with strips of seagrass down the reddened wound. It was recent.

"You two," Kal'sel began, "You're making my fins ache. Whiterear, there is no reason to always resort to violence. You have a mate and eggie to worry about, wak'ela."

Marnele rolled her eyes at the seer when she saw his eyes draw towards her.

"And Marnele," Kal'sel shifted his posture. The burgundy wrap around his head covered his eyes and hair, but revealed the rest. Under the veil, he smiled at her. "You have a bright future before your scales. This festival will be grand, and our shoal will reveal something that shall bond us to the ocean. Take my promise."

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