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Winds, heavy and slow, drag across the taste of spring. New life blooms into the air with flower buds arising, spreading into the heats. A world unknown was to be revealed, but all makes sense when the tides are pulled inwards, and the sea unveils a masked secret. Every sense of a beating heart, wamrth encased within the womb, born to a sandy beach - with a glance of silver eyes. Head now bald, but will curl into frills of a monster, a new world awaits one, and peace shall prosper.

Glimmer of matching outfits lay across the bed of merfolk who had joined each other, dancing and cooing. They purr and click, gliders playing games in the back of the clearing while the olderfins watch from their dens, smiling with glee. The taste of the hot salt had not sprung into Conchbelly's mouth yet, as he still sat inside his den, breath wavering. He was afraid of not doing it right, not making her feel like she deserved him. The buck turned to his walls, looking at the mirror in the very back and biting his lip. He was a growing buck, taller and lanky, a spurt he had over any other in his class. His height meant nothing to the society of merfolk, the buck waved his tail around in his suit. Small, thinner. A sign of something he should feel ashamed of, that he does feel weaker for.

He moved towards the mirror, still hearing a shuffle on the other side of the door. He paced, moving his hair into a traditional braided bun and pulling two strands down his temples. Conchbelly flattened his blue suit, seeing the sparkling crystals hang from the zipper's end, and smiling hafly. He turned, and faced the door.

Slowly, the buck paddled over, his hind legs slithering. He felt the grooves in the earth under his fins and sighed against the door. When it opened, light flashed within his eyes and his body froze.

Makara waved, pulling her glasses up to her nose and leaning on the door frame, "Hi, Conchbelly."

"Hello," He sharply said, eyeing her outfit. She had a long blue dress on, crystals sparkling down like frills against the thigh high split of the dress. He felt his heart thump, a warmth grazing his cheek as she leaned up and kissed it, "YeAh, you look very pretty."

"Thank you," Makara purred, "You look handsome yourself, do not downplay it," The maid led him away from his den, shutting the door. Her tail enticed him as it lifted his chin towards the clearing. It finally hit him, all of his senses flooded over with a great breath of saltwater. The buck flares his gills, and he sees the floor wriggling with pelts. It was all of the commotion he had dreamed of, once again, happening once more. This time, he wasn't slumped against the wall of his den drinking stolen nectar. Makara was here, and she filled him with a flush of emotions. Joy? Passion? Was it love?

The two were matching, they had a few complimentary clicks thrown at them, and Makara had yet to notice his tail. Taking off the tail guard was a bad idea, he thought. But the maid only swung him around, giggling at the music that made her dance. She was full of energy, and he was still worrying about his damned tail.

"Conchbelly! Get into it," Makara cooed at him, waving her hips with the drum and string combo, watching as Conchbelly stiffly followed her movements, "Like this," she said it with grace, and twirled to press her side to his side, waving her body again.

He followed along, "Like this?" The buck relaxed, feeling his body move naturally. Makara giggled, and clicked a whisper at his ears, filling the buck with a rush of chemicals. She said I was doing amazing, told me not to stop...

He gulped, now smiling as she returned before him, feeling the music slow underneath their fins. The bubbles they danced on fizzled out, until a new instrument rode in the water. The cha'sha shook once, then twice, like it was imitating the slow rise of a drum. Repeating until the drums took over, and the beat changed from slow, to fast, to slow, then allowing the strings to softly serenade the clearing with a slow song. Makara felt her scales bristle, remembering the tune and grinning at Conchbelly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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