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The beating drums of the unveiling skies woke against the heat, breezes no longer dusting off the warmth of spring. Muckface rose from his den, opening his wide eyes as he breathed in a bundle of water. He blew it from his nose like he was smoking dandelion. The buck leaned off his hammock and floated in the middle of his den, sluggishly searching for a new pair of braided tops to wear. The feathered green one? No. It wasn't too much of an occasion, not that he knew of. His long sleeved top, braided thinly, with all sorts of materials? Useful for every bellchime, it had pockets, loops for belts, ropes, and blade tassles...

Muckface nosed his way into his clothing, his fair skin glistening in the soft light of the morning sun. He peered up at the glass that sat comfortably in a circle shaped hole. The sun was hot, it was blaring. The oyewas were looking down upon their little shoal with all the hope they could give them. And one day, they were going to conquer the Sand once more, and give humankind hell. He snorted and then blew out again, a rough pain in the Lungfish's gills alerted him to his health. Had he ignored it for this long? He sneered, and quickly dressed himself in his necklaces, and decorated his golden locs with two long grass ribbons.

The lake water around his mouth seeped from his chin as he arose, lifting himself onto the spring terrain with a shudder. From cold to warm, he flicks his large tail of water and began to walk through the Shoal of Sand and Grass. It had been two cycles since rogue gunfire shot into their shoal, and almost ended the life of one of their young. The buck furrowed his brows as he remembered, seeing Riverfin as angry as he was, fleeing with an immense fear in his tail. Now, through the living breaths of the shoal, they wake early and report to Bracktooth for hunting, see Riffle and Ripple for hope, and find joy in accompanying their trainers for advice. All of them, even the younger ones, dance to the beat of the blazing sun and the tune of the calming moon. They find life at another chance, hopeful. Because they know that getting stronger is all they can do, and if they even fail a step, they will be killed by a bullet seeking flesh.

Muckface feels his pelt of scales raise as he hears a coo from another merfish, far from his sight, and as he squinted his eyes, a smile came to his face.

"Gembelly," He said, nodding his head towards her as she neared, "What's the news?"

The maid nodded her head, and took hold of his palms, both of their long fingers touching their wrists. "Rainfall is feeling a bit discouraged. She is ready for you, but I am surprised it has taken her so long to complete."

The brightest of stars rose in his head as he chuckled, his throat flexing, "Oh how long it has been since I went on sea for a Glider Exam!"

Gembelly laughed nervously, conscious to how loud they were, and then quieted him down while trying not to look too wary, "Oh shut up will you," She grabbed onto his top and pulled him closer, "Be gentle with her, she's still... afraid."

"I see," The lungfish clears his gills, "Are you sure you can't handle this? She's in the age range that you need her to be for the exam... You aren't telling me she's..."

Quietly, Gembelly speaks, "Afraid of the sea." She gives a pleading look to the secondtail, still holding onto him with care. She fears, if she lets go, she would lose all hope. The maid leans the top of her head into his chest, sighing out. "I am the teacher, I am supposed to be good at this stuff, but I can't get her to no longer fear the ocean, our waters. She barely even sleeps in the lake."

"It's worse than I thought. Riverfin told me she was getting jitters about the exam but he had not informed me of her fears. If I had known sooner..."

"Do not blame it all upon your scales, I am to be shamed as well. I should of told you. It would have made this easier," Gembelly huffs and then looks up at the buck, they pause for a moment, eye to eye. Her arms slides, leaving his palm around her side. But she quickly pulls back and she nervously laughs, "Anywho! I think.. hah.. I think Bracktooth is calling for me."

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