Chapter 5 - Part I & II

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All I see is blurry, and I see figures, so I close my eyes before getting dizzy. My back and hands are involved by big hands, and a stiff neck rests my face. Strong and paced heart beats pulse over my body, but they are not mine, they are from a strong individual who is holding me. Everything seems so quiet when he touches me.

A comfortable seat reifies under me, and I hear a click coming from a seat belt. The impression is that I have just wakened up from a deep sleep, and nothing makes sense in my head. I turn back in time for a moment and think that I am twenty again, and a lot drunk to figure out where I am. But no, this can't be. I am not that way anymore.

A voice brings me back to reality.

"Sarah, can you hear me?" it's Thomas' voice.

Yes, Thomas Mai. I know who he is.

"Yes," I answer, but I can't hear my voice.

My lungs start to accept the cold air, and my brain is enabled to work again.

"Don't worry. We're going to the hospital."


I'm not going to any hospital! I don't want to go through those white walls with those lights again. I couldn't stand it. I don't need any help, I'm fine.

"No!" in my mind I think I screamed, but the volume of my voice goes regularly.

"What? Your head hit the ground, you need to be examined," Thomas doesn't explain, he just says what he is going to do.

"I'm okay," I say, straightening myself on the car seat.

It's Thomas' Nissan; I identify the panel. The vehicle is in movement, and Thomas is driving. My body feels like a bag of stones. I feel my left arm burning, and it makes me put my right hand over the left one. The burning gets worse, and I turn my arm up trying to look at it, but my muscle aches.

"Autch," I whine very low.

"Don't move. you're not well," Thomas averts his eyes from the traffic and looks at me even more concerned. "Probably you've broken some bones."

Buildings pass quickly by the car window, and some become just figures due to the speed of the car.

"I'm fine, Thomas," I try to calm him down. "I didn't break any bone."

"It's impossible to know that;" his voice rises. "Your ribs..."

He stops speaking, probably trying not to scare me.

"I've broken some bones before, and I know how it feels like. I've just grazed the arm, everything is fine. Please, take me back home," I beg him.

"You must be kidding me. You need an x-ray."

I am not going to any hospital!

My breath goes faster by the thought of that unpleasant smell of air-conditioning mixed with alcohol. I flinch on the seat by the memory of being laid down on a gurney for days, weeks.

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