Chapter 3: The Party

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Finally it was Friday. I was looking forward to the weekend. I'll have the whole house to myself. Quinn is going to Amanda's for a weekend sleepover and Dad is away on a business trip.

However, I mistakenly told Richie about my vacant house and things got out of hand fast.

"Party at Miller's house tonight!" Richie yelled in the cafeteria.

I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Well you got the house to yourself so why not?" Richie said with a smile. "Everyone is invited."

I groaned and put my head down. I really just wanted to watch a movie, play some video games, maybe draw. I didn't want a party.

"Come on, man." Josh said, looking at me. "It's going to be fun."

I rolled my eyes.

"You're invited." Richie pointed to one of the tables then he turned to another one. "You and you are invited."

Then I watched as Richie pointed at Natalie's table. "And you guys are invited too."

Natalie's friends looked around confused, but Natalie looked at me. I rubbed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

"Sit down before I hurt you." I grumbled.

Richie rolled his eyes and sat down. "Well now we need to plan everything out. Who's getting the beer?"

Drew perked up at the mention of alcohol. "I can get it."

"Good and I got the tunes." Richie said. "Come on E. It will be fun, hey wait is your pool open?"


"That will be fun, we can go skinny dipping."

"With you? No thanks." Drew said with a disgusted look.

Richie rolled his eyes. "Not just me, stupid. The girls that come. Do you think Emma can bring more hot girls?"

"What about me?"

All of them looked behind me. I didn't turn, just kept eating my pizza. Emma placed her hand on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Hey handsome." She said softly. She then reached for my face and turned it to give me a real kiss.

I let her, but pulled away after a second or two. She noticed, but I didn't care at the moment. I was already upset that Richie was planning a party and I didn't have the mental capacity for Emma right now.

"We want you to bring some more hot girls to E's party." Richie answered her original question.

Emma sat next to me and her friends sat across from her on the other side of Josh.

"We're not good enough for you, Richie?" One of them asked.

"Well I want more." Richie said bluntly.

"You're having a party?" Emma looked at me.

I shook my head. "Richie is having a party at my house."

Emma laughed and then looked at Richie. "Well that sounds like fun. I'll make sure to bring all of my hot friends."

She then put her hand on my thigh and ran her hand up and down. She looked at me and leaned into my ear.

"This will be the perfect excuse for us to be as loud as we want."

"We could have done that in an empty house too." I mumbled while taking a sip of my soda.

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