Chapter 14: Pressure

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I didn't realize just how much blood was inside a person until today. It looked like so much blood, but the paramedics assured me that what I did, helped save Nate's life.

Natalie, Haley, and I sat in the hospital waiting room. It was so quiet, other than the faint Christmas music coming from the speakers.

I didn't know what to say to either of them. I was also wondering if Natalie knew why he would do this. I knew Nate was under a lot of pressure and working long hours. He seemed okay for the most part. What changed?


Natalie and I both looked at Haley. She rubbed her eyes.

"I know you're tired Little One." Natalie said softly, running her hand through Haley's hair. "We'll go home soon."

Just then a doctor in scrubs came out.

"Nathan Steeler?" He called out.

Natalie stood up right away and just about ran to the doctor. "How is he? Can we see him?"

The doctor gave a small smile. "He's okay. He will make a full recovery." His gaze looked to me. "You probably saved his life. Good thinking."

I gave a nod.

"Can we see him?" Natalie asked again.

"He's not awake yet, but yes you can see him." He said. "Follow me."

Natalie followed the doctor, with Haley trailing behind her. I followed them, wanting to make sure to stay back so Natalie and Haley were the first ones to see him.

The doctor pulled back the curtain. Nate lay in the bed, with tubes coming out of his mouth and wires coming from his body. Natalie sniffed and walked over to his side holding his hand. I grabbed Haley and took her to the other side of him, lifting her up so she could see him.

"He looks scary." Haley said, staring at Nate.

I looked to his chest and saw that it was moving. I can't tell you how many times, when I was wrapping his wrists, that I looked at his chest to see if he was breathing. I let out a long breath and set Haley down on her feet. She went back around to Natalie and stood next to her.

I glanced at Natalie, but she wasn't looking at me. Her blue eyes were fixed to her twin.

"It's Mary's fault." She said softly, but the hate in her voice was sharp.

I gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

Natalie wiped her nose on the back of her wrist. "The picture Nate had on his desk was of them at Homecoming. When I saw him, the picture was smashed."

"I don't know if you should be jump-"

"I know what I saw!" She snapped at me. "She's no longer my friend."

I opened my mouth, but then closed it. I don't think right now Natalie is in her right mind. I just let it go and moved to stand next to her. I put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed.

"He's going to be okay, Nat." I said to her, leaning down to kiss her head.

She nodded. "I want to stay with him."

I looked down at Haley, who was also looking at me.

"What about-?"

"Can I borrow your phone?" She asked, finally looking away from Nate.

I handed her my cell and she stood up walking out of the little area. Haley came up to me and grabbed at my leg.

"Nate is going to be okay?" She asked. "Right?"

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