Chapter 10: The Race

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Quinn bounced her leg next to me in the passenger seat nervously.

"It's going to be fine." I reassured her.

"It's just that this is the first time that you guys are coming to my race." She said looking out the window. "I want to make sure I do good."

"Nothing needs to be perfect." I said turning onto Natalie's street. "You're going to do fine."

I pulled into Natalie's driveway. I started to get out when I saw Haley running out of the house.

"E!" She said happily.

I smiled and scooped her up. "What's up, Cutie?"

Haley giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. Natalie came out of the house too carrying Haley's car seat. I set her down and then walked over to Natalie, helping her.

"Thanks." She breathed. "Stupid thing is so bulky."

I took it with ease and then headed to my car. Quinn had already moved to the back seat. I tried to get Haley's car seat hooked up, but Quinn had to help me.

"Good thing you're pretty, E." Quinn commented as she finished setting up the seat.

I snickered and turned to Haley. She climbed right in and I buckled her up. Natalie was standing behind me, watching.

"You see me struggling and don't help me?" I asked, noticing her watching me fail. "And you let Quinn bully me?"

Natalie rolled her eyes, but kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into me when she started to walk away. I leaned down to give her a kiss. I felt her smile against my lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist and hers went around my neck.

There was a tap at the window that made us pull away.

"I don't want to be late because you guys are sucking face." Quinn said with a glare.

Haley giggled as Quinn sat back down on the other side.

I looked down at Natalie whose face was red. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her tighter, stealing one more kiss.

We pulled apart and got into the car.

The drive to the race wasn't bad. It was at one of the golf courses that my father's parents used to be a part of. I remember going to holidays here, like Thanksgiving and Easter. When I got older and Mom got sick more we stopped coming here.

I pulled into a spot and Quinn jumped out running up to the table to get signed in.

"Geez we aren't even late." I mumbled.

"She's just excited." Natalie said, getting out of the car.

I watched as my sister ran up to one of the tables. It made me a little sentimental to think she'll be going to high school soon.

Natalie got Haley out of her seat and placed her on her hip. I closed the door for her. The two of us walked up to the entrance. I saw Quinn jog over to the group of girls that wore the same colors as her.

"A lot of these girls look older than middle school." Natalie said in a low voice.

I nodded. Most of these girls looked older than Quinn, but younger than us. Early high school maybe?

Natalie put Haley down, but held her hand. We took our spots next to the track with a lot of other families.

Mom's, dad's, and siblings all lined up to cheer their own races on. It made me angry thinking about how Quinn felt about how Dad or I were not here to cheer her on.

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