Chapter 11: Insecurities

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The next few weeks flew by. Everyone was now talking about midterms, and of course Christmas.

I groaned inwardly. What was I going to get Natalie for Christmas?

I sat in my car in the parking lot waiting for Natalie and Nate to get here. A car zoomed in and pulled into a spot with a squeal of tires. I noticed it was Emma and some guy I'd never seen before. She leaned over to him and whispered something. He then smiled wickedly and turned to kiss her. She moved to get on top of him.

I looked away. In the parking lot of all places? I rolled my eyes. Sure Emma and I have done it in scandalous spots, but nothing that public.

I saw Nate's car pull into the lot and I turned my car off, getting out as Nate pulled into a spot a few spots down from me.

Natalie got out of the car and looked at me with a smile. She looks so beautiful with her blue knit hat making her eyes shine brighter. I can't understand how she looks more beautiful everyday but she always does.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I leaned down to kiss her.

"I missed you." I whispered when we broke apart.

She giggled. "You always say that. Come on."

She took my hand in her gloved one and pulled me to the school. We reached her locker and she shed her coat, gloves, and hat. She grabbed a few of her morning textbooks before turning to me.

"Why are you staring?" She asked, closing the locker door.

I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Just because you're beautiful."

She smiled and her cheeks grew red. How I love when that happens.

We headed to the cafeteria for morning cookies.

"Are you excited for Christmas?" I asked as we waited in line.

She shrugged. "I used to love it, but when everything fell apart it stopped being as magical."

I grabbed two bags of chocolate chip cookies and handed one to her. We walked over to the register to pay. As we headed back out to the hallway she spoke up.

"What about you?"

I shrugged. "Mom would go all out, pictures, presents, cookies, decorating. She even recorded some of the Christmas mornings. As she got sick, it all kinda died out. I know Quinn misses it. We don't really do anything anymore."

We stopped in front of Natalie's homeroom and I continued.

"It's the only holiday Dad has off. Doesn't mean he doesn't take phone calls during dinner." I grumble remembering last year.

Dad had a few meetings, but promised Quinn and I that he would be done by dinner. He wasn't. We sat with our chinese food getting cold, too stubborn to eat without him. I ended up in a screaming match with him, making Quinn yell at both of us. Not one of my finer moments.

Natalie frowned. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Not a big deal, lesson learned. Quinn and I usually don't even stay at the house for Christmas. It's too quiet without Mom there."

"Where did you go?" Natalie asked.

"Usually spent Christmas with Emma and her family." I said and then sighed. "Not sure what I'm going to do this year."

"Well you can come over? Quinn too. We don't do much, but Nate usually makes roasted chicken and we watch Christmas movies with Haley." She explained. "Oh and a few gifts."

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