Chapter 6: Homecoming

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It was the Homecoming game. Josh and I sat on the bleacher looking out for Drew and Richie. The game wasn't too interesting. We were wiping the floor with this team.

I leaned back and put my elbows on the seats behind me. I watched as the other team fumbled again.

"God this team is awful." Josh said, shaking his head.

I looked down at the bottom of the bleachers and noticed some familiar blond hair and glasses. Natalie held Haley's hand as she climbed up the bleachers. I laughed as I stood up and walked down to Haley, scooping her up. I moved to where she was thrown over my shoulder, earning a loud giggle from her.

"Careful, you dropped her hat." Natalie said, picking up the knitted hat from the bleachers.

I carried Haley over to where Josh was sitting. He moved over so Haley and Natalie had room to sit. I set Haley back on her feet and Natalie put the hat back on her head.

It was a pretty cold night for October.

"Where's Nate?"

"Had to work." She said, "He took off tomorrow, though, so he's working a double shift today."

"Do you need a ride home?"

"If you don't mind." She answered.

"Not at all." I said looking out onto the field again.

I was going to move back again, but there were people who sat down behind me. Ugh I felt so squished. I moved so there was one knee on each side of the person's back that I was sitting behind. Natalie noticed.

"Did you want to switch seats so you have the aisle?"

I looked at all the leg room she had, but shook my head. She laughed and stood up taking Haley with her.

"Switch with us, E." She said, moving to switch seats. "Haley can see better if she's sitting here anyway."

I laughed and nodded while switching seats with her. I was able to stretch out my legs so much easier now. I moaned at the sensation.


"Thanks." I said. "Oh, Quinn says that she wants pictures of us from tomorrow. Do you happen to have a camera?"

She shook her head.

"I'll ask to borrow her's then." I said rubbing my knees.

Haley was sitting on Natalie's lap and Natalie began bouncing her legs to the beat of the marching band, which made Haley giggle. I smiled. They both looked so adorable.

"I'm getting some hot chocolate." Josh said standing up. "Do any of you want anything?"

"Hot chocolate!" Haley said excitedly.

Natalie leaned into Haley's ear and whispered something. Haley frowned and then looked up at Josh.

"No thank you." Her voice sounded so disappointed.

Josh chuckled. "It's only a dollar, Natalie I can buy them."

Natalie bit her lip and then dug into her pocket pulling out a few crumbled bills. She handed three to Josh. Josh nodded and headed down the bleachers. That's when I realized.

"Natalie, you didn't have to buy that for me." I said with a frown.

"I can do what I want." She said with a smile. "If I can buy you a dollar hot chocolate from a weird school football food stall then I'm taking it."

I shook my head and turned my attention to the game. I watched as Richie sat on the bench leg propped up with ice on his knee. He suffered a small injury in the second quarter. Drew was killing it as quarterback. Well, that and because this team sucks big time.

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