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Our yesterday's happiness took an unforeseen turn.
Everything was so magical before the witch's entry. But I am still glad that I had Sid with me all the time while Samrat Bhai handled the situation.
He made me feel proud of my misery. He is a patient listener and such a caring man. I think his friends were idiots to think of him as 'Mr. Hothead'.

Today after having breakfast together, Rathores will return to Jaipur while we'll also go back to our home.

As soon as I was ready, I went with Inaya, downstairs to the hotel's garden, where the breakfast was organised.

As soon as I was ready, I went with Inaya, downstairs to the hotel's garden, where the breakfast was organised

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I swear it wasn't planned. We didn't even talk after yesterday's event. Trust me blue is a very common color.


Today also we are matching. All because of Inaya. I was about to wear my pale yellow suit but my clumsy niece spilled milk on it while drinking. So I wore this blue kurta and pants.

Everyone was already settled on the breakfast table

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Everyone was already settled on the breakfast table. I was about to sit next to Sid when his mom asked me to sit next to her. So I obliged. Sid pouted. We all had breakfast paired with some random small talk.

Karthik bhai then thought it would be funny to pull us into the limelight and tease us.
"Look at you bhai, you always cringed at the romantic movies and now you are matching fits with bhabhi."

"We didn't plan it, really," I said

"Shut up Karthik, I am wearing blue because you stole my shirt, otherwise I would be wearing that," Sid said pointing at the yellow shirt that Karthik bhaiya was wearing. I was shell-shocked.

Brinda Bhabhi saw my expressions and then busted out laughing. Everyone looked at her confused. So she explained,

"This is getting a bit creepy but initially Ishqi also planned to wear a yellow kurta but Inu spilled milk over it... So,"

She didn't complete and everyone started laughing at my expense. I looked down, trying to hide the blush which seemed to have a permanent residence on my cheeks after meeting Sid.

"Bhaiya bhabhi, I think you people are a living example of  'rab ne bana di Jodi" Radhika di teased us more.

As the Rathores were settling in their cars, Bhaiya, bhabhi and I were standing there to send them off and bid our good-bye. I touched the feet of Sid's Dadu, Dad and mom. They all blessed me and promised me to meet soon.
All 3 of them went in one car and were first to start their journey. Followed by Radhika Di and Karthik Bhaiya in the second car. They all are going to Jaipur via train. Dadu is a heart patient and his stress level increases at higher altitudes that's why he prefers road transport.

Sid had a direct flight to Delhi. I know that he has to go but I still don't know how to say goodbye to him. My heart doesn't want to let him go. We stayed in our position, looking into each other's eyes. Strength. That's what we are seeking from each other. I need strength to say goodbye to him and he needs strength to go.

We were both lost in each other when Bhabhi's fake cough pulled us out of the trance. 

"Siddharth we'll be leaving now now as Samrat has a meeting. I hope you have no problem as there is still an hour before you have to go to the airport."

"I understand Bhabhi." Sid was talking to Bhabhi but his eyes were fixed on me.

"Let's go," Bhaiya said. I was moving, but couldn't move my eyes from his. I bumped into something hard and was about to fall so I did the only reasonable thing, that is I squeezed my eyes shut.

Thank god that hard wall was my brother, who saved the fall but all this gave my bhabhi a good show to laugh at. Even bhai was amused.

"Ishqi, you take a half day's rest, come to the office after lunch. I am leaving a car and the driver, to take you home after an hour." Bhai patted my head and left with Bhabhi and Inu.

I was shyly looking down and blushing hard. Sid came towards me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist.
We held each other for a few minutes.
Then he held my hand and pulled me toward the back of the hotel's garden. This place was secluded and peaceful.

We both sat on the grass, crossing our legs.
"Ishu you know, before meeting you all I ever thought about was work and my business. I worked on weekends as well but for once in my life, after meeting you, I don't mind being a 'ghar jamai' if Samrat bhai accepts me in his house and I get to live with you and see you every day."

I chuckled and he laid on the grass, putting his head on my lap. My fingers, who have a brain of their own, went to his hair and played with super soft black locks.

"Kash yeh waqt yahi tham jaaye."
(I wish the time could stop here)

"(I wish the time could stop here)

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