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Ishika's Pov

"Hello, hello Sid. Are you there?" Hearing no response, I hung up the call, filled a glass with water and rushed towards Vrishti.

I sprinkled some water on her face. Thank God, she got consciousness back and was alright though she looked a little pale.

"What's going on here?"

We all looked at the door, Sidd was standing there looking at us questioningly.

This Vrishti girl was unconscious a minute ago and now she was running towards him crying.

"Sidharth, I am sorry love, I am so sorry." saying this she tightly hugged him.

What the hell is going on?
Who is she?

Why is she apologizing and calling my husband 'love'?

I don't know what to say or what to ask. I looked towards Sid but he was busy looking at that Vrishti girl.

"Vrishti what are you doing here," he asked.

"Siddharth, I came here with Ashi. Can I talk with you alone for a few minutes, please. Then if you'll say, I leave your house tomorrow." she said with teary eyes.

What does this chudail wants to talk to him that too alone?

Nevermind, Sidd won't go anywhere alone with this chipku. I smirked.

"Fine, Come with me," Sidd told her and came inside the house with her walking closely behind.

Sidd looked ahead and our eyes met. Mine held unshed tears while his had some unrecognized emotions.

Till yesterday, I was confident that I could read his heart through his eyes but today I am not sure what volumes are his eyes speaking to me.

No able to hold the eye contact any longer, I moved my gaze away from his. I turned away to go towards the kitchen, when his voice stopped me. I felt hopeful once again.

"Ishika, this is Ashi, Mamta Bua's daughter. She will stay with us for some time. You both talk, I'll be back soon." Sidd said and moved head, going upstairs with Vrishti following behind.

I was shocked, upset and broken. I didn't wanted to talk to Ashi and just go to my bedroom and let out all these emotions clouding my brain. But unfortunately, Ashi had other plans.

"I mistook you to be the housemaid but who can blame me when you are dressed like one? Never thought Bhai would marry someone like you. I thought he had a class like look at Vrishti, they were in a relationship for a reason. Anyways I'll be staying in the guestroom downstairs because I know Bhai will the room next to his to Vrishti."

She taunted me and walked to the guestroom.

What? Vrishti and Sidd were in a relationship. God I hope he don't allow her to stay here. Though I am not getting good vibes.

Sidd was no call. Did he came here running when he heard Vrishti's name on call? Does he still have feelings for her? They say first love lasts forever.

What should I do? I was occupied by my thoughts when I heard a throat clearing behind me. When I turned, Sodd was standing there with Vrishti.

He looked at me and said no TOLD me that Vrishti will stay here for some time in the guest room upstairs.

Before I could say I word, his phone rang he said he would have to go now. He left after telling me to take care.

Take care of our guests.

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