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Ishika's pov

Sunlight from the balcony disturbed my peaceful sleep. As my eyes opened, I looked around. Yesterday's moments flashed in front of my eyes making me shy and a blushing mess.

Sidd was sleeping beside me, he was just in his shorts, looking so hot and tempting. I moved my fingers slowly tracing his beautiful abs. Once I was done, my fingers moved to his face.

He must be God's favourite child to be blessed with such a great look. I traced his eyes, then his nose. While my fingers were moving along his lips, suddenly he trapped it between his teeth.

My eyes moved to his eyes, which were now fluttering open.
"When did you wake up?"

"When a butterfly was counting my abs." he said in his morning husky voice.

"Why didn't you say something then?" I asked him.

"I didn't wanted my butterfly to shy away," he said kissing my hands.

"How are you feeling Jaan, can you walk?" he asked, embarrassing me.

I hummed and was about to stand up but I felt a pain between my legs which made me fall back on the bed.

"Careful Jaan, let me help you," he said and then he picked me up in his arms and together we went to the washroom. Together we brushed our teeth 🥰

Then he made me sit on the counter while he filled the bathtub.

Once he was done, he helped me undress. I was only wearing his shirt from last night.

"My shirts suits you more. But I think I like you more without it." Sidd has gotten too naughty. Saying that he kissed me and we bathed together in the bathtub.

That's how we spend the whole day in the room only. We even didn't step out for the food also, Sidd ordered it in the room.

I also gotta know how insatiable my husband is. And he loves to talk dirty. I can't stop blushing when he opens his mouth.

I have to threaten him that we will go to explore Fiji tomorrow because if only he could have, we won't leave this room for the entire week.

Okay, I agree it would be a lie if I said that I don't enjoy all the love and attention he showers on me.
He makes me feel like I am the most beautiful person on this earth.

Okay, I am feeling too shy to speak further, let's move to the next day🙈🤭

Next day

It was amazing weather today, we strolled around the island. We tasted the street food here and shopped in the local stores.

I bought gifts for everyone. While Sidd carried the bags and paid the bills😉.

I also purchased matching shirts for both of us which we both instantly changed into.

I was having the time if my life. Sidd was a fun travel buddy. We also got to learn a lot about each other.
After having an early dinner, I was so fatigued, so we retired to our room.

This man never fails to surprise me. On the bed, there was a 3-tier cake made of my favourite chocolates.

"A chocolate for every day of the year, I will restock after 365 days. Happy Chocolate Day Love. Thank you for sweetening my life." he said and kissed my lips.

God, this man, I love him so much and yes there were 365 chocolates (I counted). We shared the chocolates and spent the night in each other arms.


Trouble in the paradise coming soooon.

Keep reading🤭

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