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Ishika's pov

I was resting in my room thinking what Bhai said to me. After around 10 minutes Siddharth entered my room.
As he came in and our eyes met. He looked at me from head to toe. Pain flashed through his eyes. He looked all over me once again and quickly turned his back to me.

Though he wasn't facing me but I could make out that he was wiping his tears.
I couldn't stop myself. How can I stay angry at this guy. Now I know that things are deeper than they look on surface. This guy can't cheat on me. And today God blessed me with a chance to clear every thing between us and get answers to all the doubts I have.

"Sidd come to me." I said to him. He didn't turned and just shook his head in no.

"Please." I requested. This time he turned around and ran towards me. Tightly holding me in his embrace. He hid his face on my shoulder. I could feel the wetness of his silent tears. I was happy holding him this close to me after so many days. We stayed in each others arms for some minutes.

Then I released my hold around him because I know we urgently need address the elephant in the room.

"Siddharth sit straight we need to talk."

"Hmmm" she said bit didn't moved an inch.

"Sidd," I said with fake sternness. He finally moved back a little.

"I am sorry Ishika, I'll never shout at you love, I promise. Just don't think of leaving me ever. I'll die without you."

"Don't say that Sidd. I am not that immature to just leave after we have any fight." I told him.

"then why did you leave that day with your bags packed?" he asked.

"I'll tell you but first tell me who is this Vrishti and why is she living at your home?" I questioned him back.

"First of all, it's not my home but it's our home," he said sternly, then added.

"And Vrishti, why are we even talking about her? We were in the same college. I dated her for about a year. Rudra never liked her, he then revealed to me that she wasn't faithful so I broke up with her. That's it we weren't in any contact after that. I wasn't in love with her or anything. Yes, I was upset after the breakup but I moved on quickly and that was also the time when Rudra and I had started our company. I got busy and That took all my attention."

"why did she come back now?" I asked.

"Bua had told me that Ashi and one of her friends will stay at our place for some time as their house is renovating. I agreed because I thought you might appreciate some company. But I forgot to mention it to you in stress.
When you called me the other day, I realised that you don't even know Ashi so I rushed back from the office to introduce you both but I had no idea that Vrishti was the friend accompanying Ashi." he explained.

"What did she talk to you that day in private that you didn't only allow her to stay but also made her your assistant?"

"she told me that the boy whom she cheated on me with, left her when she was pregnant. She said that she had a miscarriage and was suffering from depression. She begged me to give her that job. I made her Rudra's assistant but they both are thirsty for each other's blood. I didn't think much and switched her with Ashi."

"Wow Sidd, you didn't even find me worthy enough to discuss all this with me. Your dearest cousin Ashi and ex-girlfriend Vrishti never missed a chance to humiliate me and hurt my feelings by showing off how much you love and care for your first love."

"I do care for my first love and I always will because you, Ishika are my first love. After meeting you I learned what love is. You are my definition of love. With Vrishti it was nothing more than infatuation. Trust me jaan. I am sorry I didn't discuss all this with you, it is no excuse but I was so caught up in the business that I hardly got time to talk with you. Looking at you at night while sleeping next to you was the only sukoon of my life."

"Aap baat toh bahut badi badi karte hai par jab I asked you to come early for dinner and you agreed, I spent hours making all your favourite dishes. I thought we would sort everything out but you never showed up. Let alone you took your ex out for dinner. Don't I mean anything for you Sidd." I questioned.

"Why would I take Vrishti for dinner? That day when I was about to leave the office another issue came up, Rudra and I were brainstorming in my office for almost the entire night. I wanted to inform you but Vrishti poured hot coffee on my phone. Anyways, Ashi said that she would tell you and also apologise on my behalf as she was leaving for home only."

"Ashi did come home to mock me and told me that you and Vrishti went on a date to rekindle your old relationship. I was so heartbroken that day. She told me you will fight the world and even your own family for Vrishti and that's what happened the next day. You shouted at me when I just said that I wanted to get back to work. I was feeling lost, lonely and suffocated in that house. I wanted to get out and do something productive so the negative thoughts don't haunt me."

"Pagal ladki, I didn't shout at you because of Vrishti or anyone else. I was just frustrated, someone had hacked our computers and was leaking sensitive information about our company, and that was the reason that I had to cut short our honeymoon. I didn't wanted you to join the company when it was such a mess in there. That's why I said no to you but when you said things about me and Vrishti, I lost my calm. I am sorry."

"You should be. You left me all alone in a strange city. I didn't knew anyone here apart from you. And you didn't even had time to talk to me. But I am also sorry for letting the doubts cloud my thinking."

"I promise Ishu, whatever happens in future I'll always talk things out with you. I messed up this time because I am not habituated to talk things with someone. I always did what I thought was right. But I promise to be a better man for you." Sidd said looking in my eyes.

We hugged each other tightly. It felt light after clearing all the misunderstandings.

After some we let go of each other, I looked at Sidd as he wiped my tears with his thumbs. He looked tired yet calm. He has grown a stubble, looks like my man was to busy looking for me that he forgot to take care of himself.

Don't worry I am back, I'll set things back on track but I have just one question left.

"Sidd why did Ashi and Vrishti created so many misunderstandings between us?"

"Iska jawab tho woh dono hi dengi. We'll confront them when we go back home," he said.

"Siddharth, take me home na, I don't like it here. The smell of disinfectants makes me want to puke." I told him with a pout.

He pecked my lips and said,
"I'll talk to doctor but you sleep for sometime and give rest to your overworking brain."

He helped me to lie on the bed and kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

After this intense talking session I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.


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