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Author's pov

Siddharth and Ishika had the best time of their life, dancing in each other's arms.

They danced on so many songs that even Spotify lost the count. Ishika was exhausted now so she put her head on Siddharth's shoulder, her arms across his neck and her entire weight on him. She fell asleep in this position, standing.

Amused Sidd very gently lifted her into his arms, making sure not to disturb her peaceful sleep. He tucked her into the bed, kissed her forehead and was about to leave when her soft hand held his, Ishika in her unconscious state murmured 'Please don't go Sidd'.

Sidd didn't want to sleep on the bed with Ishika, it felt like crossing his limits. But He didn't have the heart to decline his Ishu. He loved the feel of her hand in his so much that he could never let go. So he did the only thing he could think of, he sat on the floor beside her. He rested his head on the bed after kissing their entwined hands.

Thinking about the sweet moments he had spent with Ishika and their family up till now, he also drifted off to the dreamland.
Next morning,

It wasn't the most comfortable night for Siddharth but it was the most peaceful one.
His muscles were a bit cramping but nothing he wouldn't do all over again to just hold Ishu's hand.

He woke up before Ishika but didn't make any move to get up or leave her hand. He just stared at her flawless face while she slept peacefully.

As if feeling his gaze on her, after some minutes she slowly opened her dark brown eyes.

Slowly realising that the beautiful man sitting in front of her was not just her dream but a reality, she hurriedly sat and looked around. It wasn't her room, she wasn't in her clothes and her head was throbbing.

"Where are we? Who hit my head with a hammer?"

"Side effects of your tasty lemonade," he murmured.

"What are you saying Sidd?"

Sidd gave her a painkiller, while he also ordered breakfast for them.

"Sidd what happened yesterday? How did we get here, why don't I remember anything? "

"Baby yesterday your lemonade got switched with an alcoholic drink. You were not in the right senses so I brought you back to the hotel. I only had the key to my room, so I brought you here."

"So that's why the headache."

Their conversation was interrupted by the knock on the door.

Sidd went to the door and came back holding a tray.

"Breakfast is here, go freshen up so we can have it while it's still warm"

"Sidd I don't want to go to washroom, I want to go to sleep."

"that is also a good option. You go to sleep and when Samrat Bhai comes here looking for you, we can all have breakfast together."

"You are so mean" Ishika stomped her foot and went to the bathroom.

After she was done both of them had their breakfast together.
Till now the medicine has also kicked in and Ishika was feeling way better after dinner.

"sidd I toh forgot ki today is New Year's, Happy New Year Mr. Fiance"

"Happy New Year Miss Fiancee. Just a month and I'll call you my wife."

"I'll miss you Sidd."

"I'll miss you more. Now you should go and pack your stuff. your flight is in the afternoon "

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