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Hi everyone! This book is something that I'll update periodically between my actual stories. I am still working on stuff, but some of it is taking longer than expected. Just know that my stories will be done when they're done, and I hope you're all being patient about it.

Anyway, here's what this book is for: fun. That's really all there is to it. I've made some nice poster type pictures that I can use to post the headcanons. (For the longer ones, I'll also write it out on the page for you to read easier if needed.) There may also be skits, maybe an occasional meme, or fanart I find, but that's about it. Each headcanon will be labeled for its specific ship as well.

And, of course, this will follow the golden rule of all my books. It's been listed on my bio for a long time, but in case you need a reminder: This will only involve ships that I support, there will be no exceptions. You can probably tell that by the description and tags, since I always write out the involved ships, so everyone knows what they're getting going in. Adding onto that, you might be aware that in my Life Will Change books, certain characters ended up dating OCs, but those couples won't be included here. Just to make things easier on you.

With the intro out of the way...


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