Chapter Thirteen: Childhood Natalie

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Natalie had a lot to process as she walked up the stairs with Fiona. Number one being that she was wrong, number two being she still couldn’t understand everything which she hated.

She was used to knowing everything and even knowing more than everyone else yet here, she knew less and it bothered her. It bothered her that she wasn’t the best in this house since she aimed for perfection every single day. It bothered her that people better than herself were here but she’d never admit that it did. She’d never admit they were better anyways.

Natalie was aware she had a few narcissistic tendencies, but everyone just considered it to be a part of her personality. After all it wasn’t her fault others are stupid and she isn’t.

However, she still remained the best at fashion design so at least she had that. Her mother always had her dressed like an adult leading to many compliments from others on her sophisticated style which of course she took credit for. If her mother was going to force her into outfits she didn’t choose, she might as well get something out of it. 

She secretly longed to wear a pair of jeans and a funky crewneck only for one day just to see what it was like to make her own decisions. Maybe she’d try a new hairstyle or perhaps a pair of converse. But truth be told, she liked her style only because it made people see her as rich and intelligent. It made others listen to what she had to say and praise her maturity. She never disliked attention and the spotlight on her so naturally, she enjoyed this.

As she followed the group of people into the dining room, she was taken back by the size of the room and the details inside.

Beautiful floral wallpaper lined the walls and ceiling which held yet another large candle lit chandelier.

The table had to be at least 10 feet with chairs for everyone, every chair was antique and held a velvet cushion along with velvet armrests. Natalie adored the room, the past owners had taste.

She looked to the right and saw Fiona motioning to the seat beside her as Anthony and Tyler waved from the other side.

“There you two are, what’s it like being a chef? Should I expect to be poisoned.” Natalie said sarcastically as she sat down.

“We did a pretty good job on the meal actually, we made puree carrot soup, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, steamed eggplant and green juice all with the help of Marcia, and some others.” Anthony said proudly motioning to the silver platters of food.

“We all worked together, I’m Damien Barclay. I worked on the food along with them, Marcia and of course plenty of others.” Damien said, shaking Natalie’s hand.

“We unfortunately didn’t get the new dishes all ready for today’s meal but they are drying as we speak. Hopefully there's enough for now.” A man said as Lilith nodded.

“Quite alright, we have enough to get by for a while, it’s just always nice to have extra.” Lilith said smiling.

“Go ahead, dig in!” Ellie said, sitting beside her and grabbing a plate.

Awkwardly, Natalie picked up her plate and took tiny servings of the food, then filled a glass of green juice.

Because of her mother, Natalie never could enjoy food without worrying about her weight, or what others thought. She also couldn’t get through it without thinking about when she’d throw it up.

Given the fact her mother had been telling her to throw up meals since she was ten years old. She’d struggled with bulimia ever since but never considered it to be an issue since she was very careful about it and took precautions to stay healthy.

She knew fearing food was stupid, so she never told a soul. She just shoved it down then disposed of it later. She wasn’t sure how to do that in this place though.

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