Chapter Fourteen: Childhood Tyler

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“Okay, that was weird.” Anthony whispered to him after Natalie had laid down on one of the beds.

“She wouldn’t lie, she really must have heard something.” Tyler said worryingly, as he looked at Natalie.

Tyler loved the house. Mainly because nobody ignored him. They acknowledged him and cared for his well being. Funny how the people he’d known less than a day managed to do better than his parents had for sixteen years.

He didn’t see it as only a house, he saw it as a home. A home the group had built for however long they’d decided to escape Dawnville. The house wasn’t only made with wood and insulation, the house was made of memories, made of the community. They were the house, the house was them now. He finally understood.

He believed Natalie, but he also thought she was trying to find reasons to make herself right about the place being wrong. She often did that when she wasn’t right. She might’ve thought she heard things, but Tyler suspected that it likely was all in her head.

Why would she try to villainize such kind people? Such a beautiful place? He thought after sewing those vests she too saw it, but he began to have his doubts after watching her being led to a bed, feeling like she was insane.

“Tyler and Anthony, would you mind grabbing the dishes from upstairs and cleaning them in the washing room? It's across from the dining room, royal purple doorknob.” Damien said as Anthony nodded.

“Sure thing! Come on Tyler.” Anthony said, grabbing his wrist as they raced up the stairs.

“So, what do you think of this place?” Anthony asked once they’d reached the dining room.

“I think it's great, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong here.” He said, with a slight smile.

“Talking about us I see? Careful he’s listening, HE’S ALWAYS LISTENING!” Brandi cried, leaping into the dining room.

“Shit did you follow us up here you weirdo?” Anthony snapped.

“You don’t know anything about me…or us…or this place.” Brandi hissed, her wide green eyes gleaming with insanity.

“Brandi! That’s quite enough. Downstairs now! I’m so sorry guys.” Rowan said as Brandi sulked back downstairs.

“Well, maybe not everyones great but the majority of them are.” Tyler joked, picking up the dirty silver platter.

“Brandi’s always been off her rocker, practically everyone’s heard or seen something to do with her. Once Fiona and I were walking past the gas station and saw her on all fours collecting leaves, I wouldn’t worry what comes out of that woman’s mouth.” Anthony said, smirking.

“Yeah, it just freaks me out. First Natalie’s hearing voices and now her coming up here whispering things like that from the hallway…it just feels off. I know that sounds stupid I’m just stupid.” He rambled, anxiously grabbing dishes.

“Hey, your feelings aren’t stupid okay?” Anthony said, his face softening as he walked to stand by Tyler.

“Oh don’t go all soft on me.” He groaned.

“Whatever it needs to be said, whatever you feel is valid Ty, you’re your own person.” Anthony said, gently squeezing his hand.

Tyler felt his heart flutter as he looked up into Anthony’s sky blue eyes.

He always told himself emotions were a waste of time since his parents never cared, and that being vulnerable around others was just giving them more power to hurt you. But then again, deep down he was a sensitive guy. He wanted to talk about his feelings, he just couldn’t without breaking down.

But feeling the warmth and weight of Anthony’s hand in his own…made him feel like the world stopped spinning. 

“I'm fine.” Tyler muttered, grabbing dishes and quickly ushering them to the washing room.

That didn’t last too long. He regretfully thought.

He hated himself for being distant to everyone but he couldn’t stop the feeling once it began.. He knew Anthony would leave him alone in the wash room though. Anthony was good at knowing what people needed.

The washing room as they called it was small, only having a bucket of water, bars of homemade soap, rags, a rack for drying and an old washboard in the corner. They really were old fashioned. He wondered if this place was just a step up from Amish communities given their lifestyle.

He gently dipped the platter of dishes he had into the water bucket and was taken back by how freezing the water was.

“They better all take turns because no way am I doing this forever.” He muttered under his breath, grabbing a hunk of the soap.

He didn’t really know what they expected him to do, but he just rinsed off excess food, scrubbed the plates with the soap, wiped them off and put them on the rack.

Given the amount of antiques in the house, they could be rich if they wanted by selling it. Come on now they had a jewel room but no dishwasher or electricity.

“We all know how you feel Tyler.”

A voice whispered, making him jump and gasp, spinning around fearfully clutching a clay plate.

“Who-who’s there?” He whispered, but received no response.

He rolled his eyes and turned around, coming to the conclusion he’d just freaked himself out. He blamed Natalie for scaring him.

“It’s time to be honest.” The same voice hissed as he screamed and dropped the plate sending it shattering to bits.

Strangely, he heard a holler from the other room at the same time.

“Anthony…was something talking to you too?” He whispered hoarsely as Anthony nodded, eyes wide as saucers.

“What happened? We heard screaming!” Marcia exclaimed.

“We…we heard…heard…” Anthony stuttered, unable to finish his sentence as Rowan and Lilith joined Marcia’s side.

“I think you’re all just not used to staying in a new place especially under such strange circumstances…how about you two both lay down, most of us already are including Fiona. We’ll find you a bed.” Lilith said, placing a comforting hand on both of their backs and leading them down the stairs.

“There, two beds side by side. Get some rest, we have quite the day ahead of us tomorrow.

Lilith said as they mindlessly climbed into the beds and under the purple silk covers.

Tyler could feel his lip quivering as Lilith, Rowan and Marcia got into their beds as well.

The house was dark and silent, only one singular candle illuminated a corner of the room. But he was too scared to keep his eyes open much longer.

“I heard my name Tyler. It told me to tell the truth before it was too late.” Anthony whispered quietly enough for only Tyler to hear.

“I know…” He replied.

“It said the same thing to me.”

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