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Nothing worked....

That's why Ruki allowed Yui to chose what happened to the two families. Of course when it happened he was surprised to see another young woman within the house hold that he wasn't aware of. She kept to herself and seemed to have never spoke or socialize with anyone. Ruki didn't understand why the young woman kept to the darker parts of the household but he didn't have to wonder for long.

It wasn't until he saw Kanato go up to the woman that he realized why she kept to herself.

"Eve, are you going to try to speak once more? I know that Subaru didn't mean to hurt you before, but that doesn't mean you have to cut yourself off from the world." Kanato said worried

She shook her head making her black hood get off of her head. He saw that she had dark purple eyes and brown hair. Her hair went over her eyes as she looked to Kanato.

"Please? I miss hearing your pretty voice." Kanato pleaded.

She shook her head again, this time she took her book and rushed off. she rushed too quickly and she bumped face first into Ruki's chest. She rubbed her face as she looked up at him. Her eyes blinked a few times before she tilted her head to the side a bit.

"Not full blood?" She asked scratchily

He shook his head. "How can you tell human?"

She showed her teeth and he backed off a bit. She was a female vampire who lived with the Sakamaki brothers.

"I can smell difference. I Eve you?" She said as she looked up to him

"I'm Ruki, its a pleasure to meet you Eve." He said with a small smile

"You nice not like Sakamaki brothers....why so?" She asked

He didn't know how to answer her question, he didn't know why she thought he was nicer than those she lived with before. That on itself confused him, but from what he heard she had made herself mute from the Sakamaki brother's so maybe it was a good thing he spoke with the brunette woman.

"Come, lets go somewhere so you aren't standing Eve." He said as he held his hand out to her

She swatted his hand away from her. "I no lady no treat me like one." She said as she walked off

He blinked his eyes a few times before he followed beside her. "May I ask why you have muted yourself around the Sakamaki brother's?"

"Youngest strangled me because I told him he was just a big cupcake....he didn't like that and hurt me. Still hurts to talk, mid child tries to help me talk again cause I was friend with the guy. But all ignores me for human girl." She said sadly

"You know it would hurt less if you talk a bit more." Ruki suggested

"I figured but I don't want to talk to them, they say the same things over and over again. Unlike you and the three that came with you. I curious about you four. I've never met a half bred vampire before."

Ruki noted the young girl was holding on to a dark red book with her hands.

"What's the book you're reading eve?" He asked

"Its the tail of Adam and Eve, I don't like reading a lot but the story really interests me." She said as she looked up to him. "And no it has nothing to do with my name being part of title."

"Eve, may I ask you another question?" Ruki asked

"Just did, what's on your mind Ruki?" She asked as they got to a different room and she sat down on a couch with her legs under her

"Have you seen an elder man around here that looks like Subaru?"

She thought for a moment before she looked back up to him with a small smile. "Oh you mean Mr. Sakamaki! The nice guy who saved me from a vampire hunter...Yes I know him. Why you ask about him?"

The real Eve [Diabolik lovers Sakamaki/ Mukami love story]Where stories live. Discover now