Chapter 1: To you, 2000 years from now

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(Shiganshina District: Year 845)

The cool spring breeze blew softly through the trees, making their leaves rustle in an oddly therapeutic manner. At the base of a huge tree was a boy no older than 13. He had hair as black as midnight and had his eyes been open, they would have been a magnificent blue color. His name was Y/n Yeager and he was an interesting person.

Known throughout Shiganshina as a ruffian for getting into numerous fights, Y/n had gained a reputation that his parents were none too happy about. He even gained notoriety among the district's military police and garrison officers. However, underneath his rough exterior, Y/n had a good heart. Most of his fights were because of the weak getting picked on or abused. He couldn't stay away when he saw someone in danger. That aspect alone made him unpredictable because there was no way of knowing what he would do if you were caught, so the resident troublemakers made sure to steer clear of areas that they knew he frequented.

His one weakness was his family. His parents Grisha and Carla, his brother Eren, and his friends Mikasa and Armin were the things he cherished most in the world. His overwhelming desire to keep them safe was what gave him his one goal in life, to join the scout regiment. The scouts were widely known as the one regiment that ventured beyond the walls. Their goal was to eradicate humanity's mortal enemy, the Titans. Giant monsters with a thirst for blood and human flesh.

Y/n aspired to join them and work his way to the top. It was all he ever wanted to do but sadly, it wasn't a very popular regiment to join. The death rate is what kept potential members away. The deaths incurred in the scout regiment were the number one cause of death for the people of the walls. The few veterans the regiment did have were hardened warriors who looked like they'd seen something worse than hell. It didn't help that their public favor was next to zero. What praise they did get was usually from unsuspecting children who had no idea what life outside was really like, but Y/n was different. He knew the risks and what it would mean for him, but he was deadset on applying as soon as he was able. He was prepared to do whatever it took to enlist.

(Y/n pov)

I was experiencing a very odd dream. Instead of a continuous one, it was several images flashing through my mind. There was a house and windmill with nothing going on around them, but seconds later there were Titans. The next thing I saw was blurry, so I couldn't make out the exact details, but it appeared to be a Titan lifting something out of a pile of debris before devouring it. The last thing I saw was a girl standing in front of me, her face obscured. She raised her hand to my face right as a voice echoed through my head.

"Goodbye, Y/n."

Before I saw anything more, I awoke to something shaking my body. My eyes opened to see my childhood friend Mikasa standing above me, a red scarf wrapped around her neck. I'd given it to her on the day we'd first met and ever since, she wore it everywhere.

Y/n: Oh, hey Mika. What's up?

I stretched and let out a groan of satisfaction as I made eye contact with my childhood friend.

Mikasa: Did you finish gathering the firewood?

Y/n: Yeah.

I pointed to the full wood carrier a short distance away from me. She glanced in its direction before turning back to me. She suddenly donned a concerned face and looked as if something was bothering her.

Mikasa: Y/n, why are you crying?

Y/n: Huh? What are you talking about?

I touched my cheek and to my surprise, tears were rolling down my face. I had no idea why because I hadn't been crying.

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