Chapter 6: Enlistment

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(One month later)

A month after our initial training session with the ODM gear, it was pretty clear where we stood in terms of ranking. I was first, Mikasa was second, and Eren was fifth. Armin wasn't at all skilled with the ODM gear but he had just enough skill to get by. Where he shone was the classroom. He was the smartest person I knew and it all came from his love of books as a kid. Eren had begun refining his physical skills and had gotten quite good. He even challenged one of the strongest cadets to a mock fight to test his new skills. He lost, which wasn't a surprise, but he still got closer to beating her than everyone else did.

Mikasa hadn't changed much but that was because her skill was already near its peak. There wasn't a single thing the commandant could throw at her that she couldn't handle. On my side of things, there wasn't a whole lot either, but I found out that I, for whatever reason, could heal a lot faster than anyone else if I sustained an injury. This led to some very reckless maneuvers during training that landed me in Okabe's office quite a few times. Aside from us, three other cadets stood out. One of them was the cadet Eren fought by the name of Annie Leonhart while the other two were none other than Reiner and Bertholdt.

Each of them was insanely strong and talented. Reiner was built like a bull with how tall, muscular, and strong he was. Bertholdt showed promise but he relied on other people directing him instead of taking initiative. Annie was very similar to me in that she too was a lone wolf. She despised taking orders and more often than not slacked off when it came to anything not related to ODM training. Jean was a good leader and had been selected as such during many training exercises. Sasha and Conny were equally talented but each had their imperfections. All of us were in the top ten but it was clear that they couldn't hold a candle to Mikasa and me.

On one specific day, I was sitting with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin in the mess hall after we'd finished a particularly grueling training session. I still didn't display enthusiasm around people I wasn't close to, nor did I show it in the mess hall or training, but I had loosened up a lot since the talk with Eren and Mikasa.

Y/n: Remind me why you wanna join the Scouts again Armin. Your strengths don't fit on the battlefield with Titans. You should aim for the Garrison. Your smarts could help bolster defenses and come up with new ways to drive them off from the walls.

Armin: I'd constantly be worried about you guys if I joined another regiment. This way I don't have to worry and we can all be together. Besides, I heard there are some smart people in the Scouts too. Maybe I can work with them.

Y/n: Well, I couldn't stop these two from joining and I guess I can't stop you either. Just promise you'll ask for help when you need it, alright?

Armin: You got it.

We did a four-way high five before the door to the mess hall opened, turning our attention. The commandant was standing in the doorway looking rather pleased, which was both strange and slightly terrifying since we hadn't once seen him without a scowl or a grimace on his face.

Shadis: Y/n Yeager.

Y/n: Yes sir?

Shadis: I need to see you in my office, effective immediately.

Y/n: Understood.

I picked up my tray and discarded the trash before putting it in the barrel with the others. Once I was done I followed him out of the mess hall to the administration building. We walked inside and went straight to his office, which had a massive tapestry with all the regiment logos on it above his desk. Standing next to it and looking out the window were two people I identified as scouts due to the logo on their jackets. That wasn't needed for me to know who they were though. I'd recognize my heroes anywhere.

Shadis: Take a seat.

I obeyed and sat down while he went around his desk and sat in his own chair.

Shadis: This is Commander Erwin Smith and Captain Levi of the Scout Regiment.

Y/n: I know who they are, commandant. The commander and I exchanged a few words four years ago.

Erwin: I remember that. You've grown quite strong Y/n.

Y/n: So you remember me. Honestly, I didn't expect you to.

Erwin: I remember most things.

Shadis: They are here because I informed them of your exploits during training.

Erwin: I was told that you showed excellent prowess during your training and that you are at the top of your class. If I recall, you said that joining the Scouts was your goal. Does that still stand?

Y/n: Yes. It hasn't changed and it never will.

Erwin: Excellent. Now I spoke with the commandant about this before he brought you here, but what would you think about joining us a year early?

I was at a loss for words. Here I was, in the same room as my two heroes, getting an offer from Erwin himself to join the Scouts a year early!

Levi: You gonna answer him or just stand there looking like an idiot?

Y/n: Sorry, I'm just surprised. I wasn't expecting this to happen.

Erwin: Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have but thanks to Commandant Shadis' detailed explanation of you and your skills, I brought up the idea to him. Naturally, he agreed.

Shadis: You don't give yourself enough credit. In all my years as an instructor, never have I seen someone as talented as you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you that won't last forever. If you want to join the scouts, then now is the time.

Y/n: This was a surprise, but a welcome one. I'd be honored to accept your offer, Commander Erwin.

Erwin: Great. Just sign these papers and we'll get you instated as an officer post haste.

Y/n: Hold on, an officer?!

Erwin: You heard me right. Commandant Shadis spoke very highly of you and even gave his recommendation for you to join as an officer. Frankly, I've never heard of a cadet receiving so much praise from their commanding officer before. I trust the commandant here wholeheartedly, so if he says you're capable then I believe him. He told me you were an interesting case. Now I can see that he was right.

Y/n: Thank you, sir.

Erwin: No, thank you. Welcome to the Scout Regiment, Sergeant Yeager.

We shook hands before I filled out all the paperwork. By the end of the day, I was a full-fledged member of the scouts and a sergeant at that. I was given until the following day to say my goodbyes and I intended to make full use of the time because I would need it to break the news to Eren and my friends.

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