Chapter 45: The scream of confession

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(A/n: There will be an announcement at the end of this chapter. Make sure to read it as it will detail my plans for both this and my other story going forward. Now, without further ado, enjoy the second season finale.)

The two of us stared at the smiling Titan as it grew ever closer to us. Once it was within range, it reared back as if to hit us.

Mikasa: Get down!

She tackled me out of the way right as the Titan slammed its fist into the ground. I was in shock seeing my mom's killer again. What a cruel twist of fate this was. I could do nothing but stare as it prepared to attack again. This time, however, the attack never came. Before it could hit us, Hannes appeared and blocked the hand with his blades. 

Mikasa: Hannes?!

He cut its pointer finger off before turning to us, a crazed smile on his face.

Hannes: Ha, can you believe this luck? Just watch me. I'll finally be able to avenge your mother!

Without waiting for us to say anything, he flew off to fight the Titan. I spotted Jean and the others riding toward us in the distance but they were blocked by approaching Titans. Jean was thrown from his horse while Eren and Armin were able to avoid the attack. Armin went back for Jean while Eren continued toward us. Meanwhile, Hannes flew around, inflicting slices whenever he could. Mikasa stood up and drew one of her blades, obviously thinking about going in to help.

Y/n: Mikasa, stop. You're in no shape to fight. Cut my hands free. I have to be the one who kills it!

Mikasa: Right. 

She cut the cloth from my hands free, finally allowing me to have full use of my arms again.

Y/n: This one belongs to me. The last five years have all led to this moment!

I heard Mikasa grunt in pain. I turned back and saw her on her knees, clutching her body. I was torn between helping her or slaying the beast that took mine and Eren's mom away from us.

Y/n(in mind): Shit, what do I do? If I help Mikasa then that means letting that thing live, but if I kill it then that'll clear us of danger for a little while. Alright, I've decided. I'll kill it first and then take Mikasa and Hannes to safety!

I raised my hand to my mouth, determination surging through me. I never thought that I'd see my mom's killer again but I wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever game fate was playing, I'd go along with it for now.

Y/n: Stand back. 

I bit down on my hand, making sure to draw blood just like before. However, unlike the other times I did it, this time nothing happened. No bright light, no heightened senses, and no overwhelming strength. I bit my hand again in a different spot this time. 

Y/n: What? Why isn't it working?

Hannes sliced the Titan's heel. It fell to one knee but continued swiping at him. I bit my hand in a frenzy, praying that each bite would trigger my transformation but nothing worked. Hannes sliced its other heel out, but in doing so, he put himself in the path of a hand. The Titan wrapped its fingers around his body and began raising him to its mouth. 

Y/n(in mind): Transform, dammit! Don't let this be for nothing!

Hannes kicked his legs, trying to push back, but the Titan was too strong. In one motion, it bit his lower torso clean off, showering the area in his blood. As the life left his eyes and they began to close, I saw his lips move.

Hannes: Im...sorry.

His eyes closed as he died in front of us. I fell to my knees, ignorant of the burning pain in my hand as I watched the only person who'd looked out for us the past five years get devoured before my very eyes. After Hannes had been eaten, I began laughing. It wasn't joyful laughter, but rather the kind one would hear from a crazed psychopath in a thriller novel.

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