Chapter 40: Close Combat

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(3rd pov)

From her position on the wall, Mikasa watched Reiner and Y/n tumble to the ground and send up a massive cloud of dust and steam.

Mikasa(in mind): Y/n!

On top of the wall, Hange and the others couldn't afford to worry about Y/n as they had their own problems to deal with. Bertholdt swung his steaming arm back, preparing to swipe them away.


All the scouts jumped to the side. Those who didn't have ODM gear were scooped up by the nearest scout. Historia gasped as she saw Ymir and a single scout grasped within the Colossal Titan's hands.

Historia: It got Ymir!

Keiji: Shit!

The group of scouts looked up at Bertholdt in shock and awe.

Armin: How can Bertholdt...

Hange: This is no time to sit idly by. Mankind's greatest enemy is right in front of us. All soldiers, attack!

Hange and her team flew up and over the wall before swiftly flying between the gigantic arm of the Colossal. They weaved around each attack until they were all behind it.


The squad of scouts pulled the retraction trigger on their sword grips and were pulled toward the Colossal's nape. Just as they were about to end it, a huge wave of steam shot out of Bertholdt's back, forcing the scouts to retreat momentarily. The wave of steam didn't end however, it continued to grow.

Hange: He's vanishing.

Armin: No, something different this time.

Eren: Yeah. In Trost, he disappeared in an instant. It looks like he's using the steam defensively rather than using it to escape. Then there's the fact that he didn't fully manifest his body, just the torso. That means he's stuck to the wall.

Armin: If that's true then our ODM rigs are likely useless here. We're at a disadvantage here. They have us severely outclassed.

Hange: Then we'll have to play the waiting game. Squads 3 and 4, take positions behind the target. Rashad has command. Squad 2, stay here. How long he can maintain this form remains to be seen, but he'll come out of there eventually. When he does, we'll rush him. We can no longer afford to worry about taking them alive. If you have a shot, take it.

Scouts: Right!

Hange: Armin, Eren. You and Squad 1 are with me. We've got a date with the Armored Titan!

The group followed Hange as she flew down to the duo of fighting Titans below. Obviously, they couldn't engage now, so all they could do was rendezvous with Mikasa and observe.

Hange: Mikasa!

Mikasa: Sction Commander.

Hange: What is the situation?

Mikasa: Its not looking good for Y/n. Reiner has him outmatched in terms of defense. Y/n hasn't had much combat experience in his Titan form, so it's already an unfair fight.

As if to prove Mikasa's point, Reiner delivered an uppercut to Y/n and sent him flying back. The blue-eyed Titan slid across the ground before ending up with a missing hand and a mangled jaw.

(Y/n pov)

Y/n(in mind): You lying bastard! You thought you could play us all for fools? Well no more!

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