Chapter 7

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Ye Zheng felt a chill on her chest. If she hadn't been standing in front of the mermaid at this moment, she would have wanted to scold herself for being a loser right away!

Two people, oh no, one person and one fish simply don't understand each other. What's the point of talking and paddling for so long? ! Finally, the mermaid understood her actions of pulling the collar! Now, her last complete piece of clothing was gone.

Even though the person standing in front of Ye Zheng was not a human being, Ye Zheng still felt embarrassed and frustrated by exposing his breasts to "outsiders". She gathered her clothes uncomfortably, trying to tie up the skirt with the strips of jeans.

At this moment, the mermaid stretched out its cold claws. Its cold fingers covered the red patch on Ye Zheng's chest, and then squeezed it.

The petrified Ye Zheng looked at it with its big eyes wide open and didn't know why. He retracted his claws and pinched the fins on his chest. Probably not in an angry state, the fins on its chest are attached to its body obediently. The mermaid also specially used its claws to lift up a fin, trying to imitate Ye Zheng's little red fin that stood up slightly due to its movements.

"...You idiot, ahhhhhh!!!!"

Ye Zheng finally couldn't help roaring, and her voice suddenly rose an octave, making it particularly loud in this cave. Even though she knew that this fish didn't understand anything, its behavior just now still made Ye Zheng extremely ashamed and angry.

"How could you pinch me casually! You scratched my pants, and then tore my clothes! Forget it! You still... actually..." Ye Zheng fiercely tore the rags of his

jeans The strips were tied around his body and he gathered up his clothes. She shouted angrily at the merman, waving her arms meaninglessly.

The mermaid was startled by her shout. When Ye Zheng let out his first roar, its body shook suddenly, and then it failed to maintain its balance and fell backwards to the ground. Although it obviously couldn't understand what Ye Zheng was shouting, every move, word, and look in her eyes all expressed her extremely angry mood at the moment.

The mermaid's body trembled slightly on the ground uneasily. It didn't look angry, but it didn't leave either, its eyes still staring at Ye Zheng's face.

After a while, until Ye Zheng shouted until his voice became hoarse, it carefully moved its tail that was not very flexible on land during the gap between Ye Zheng's stop and gently patted her instep.

Ye Zheng, who stopped, realized that her face was already covered with tears.

Are you angry with the mermaid or yourself? Are you feeling sorry for the only piece of clothing you have or are you sad about what happened to you? Maybe Ye Zheng himself doesn't understand.

The mermaid looked at her tearful face, slowly swept the tip of her tail across Ye Zheng's instep, and patted her again, her comfort evident.

Ye Zheng stared down at the dark blue tail covering the instep of his feet. It raised it again in a flattering manner, and the little membrane on the tail trembled slightly, obviously teasing her.

Ye Zheng pursed his lips, but suddenly started crying again with a "wow-" sound.

Humans are such a strange species. If we are alone, maybe everything will be over after we cry. But if someone else comforts you by saying "Don't cry" at this time, you will cry even harder.

Ye Zheng is not exempt from vulgarity. She walked for so long, she was thirsty and hungry, and almost collapsed from exhaustion. She relied on perseverance to reach this waterfall, and she had no time or mood to cry along the way. Now that she was in such a safe cave, with a fish that could understand her feelings lying in front of her, she had some time to mourn the disappointment and sadness she had experienced along the way.

Ye Zheng cried so hard that he knelt down and leaned against the wall to shed tears.

Seeing that Ye Zheng didn't lose his temper anymore, the mermaid carefully moved its tail and leaned over.

Ye Zheng was crying when Leng Buding put a big face in front of her, so close that the tips of the noses of the people and the fish were touching. Being frightened by it, Ye Zheng burped and stopped crying. She stared blankly at the enlarged face in front of her.

The mermaid carefully scratched under Ye Zheng's eyelids with his fingers, then put his fingers to his lips and licked them.

Ye Zheng felt that blood was rushing to his brain again: Can this fish stop doing such strange things?

When the mermaid tried to put its claws on Ye Zheng's cheek for the second time, she finally couldn't help but slap the mermaid's claws away.

"Can you -" Ye Zheng's high-pitched voice lowered again when she saw the mermaid's wide eyes. She felt a tightness in her chest, "Stop doing this..." She finally said gloomily

. Ye Zheng turned his head angrily and refused to look at the fish. In front of this fish, her temper seemed so unnecessary and weird, and the fish didn't understand anything. But it was obviously impossible for Ye Zheng to accept its pinching here and bumping there in a good mood. Ye Zheng couldn't figure out who he was more angry with. One person and one fish were at a stalemate.

The mermaid slapped its heavy tail again, and then stuffed Ye Zheng's things, the strips of cloth, and the quiver into her arms.

Ye Zheng raised his head in confusion: "Are you going to--ah!"

She suddenly screamed, no wonder Ye Zheng was like this. The mermaid hugged Ye Zheng tightly together with all her belongings, and jumped through the curtain of the waterfall, diving headfirst into the water.

This cave is at least four meters high from the surface of the pool! Ye Zheng only felt himself rising into the air. His body was shaken by the water flow of the waterfall, and then he fell headfirst into the water.

The mermaid's movements were so fast that Ye Zheng had no time to prepare. As expected, she... choked.

"Ahem, you... Ahem..." Ye Zheng complained with difficulty. The water poured into her trachea caused her great pain. She struggled to bring her head out of the water, but she was still choking and gasping. Her voice was thin. It's about to break.

The mermaid's tail swung slightly under the water, gently brushing against Ye Zheng's feet. Its upper body was very stable, almost motionless as it held Ye Zheng in its arms.

Seeing that Ye Zheng finally stopped panting, the mermaid returned the debris that Ye Zheng had loosened due to choking on the water back into her hands, then threw Ye Zheng back and headed towards the lower reaches of the river. Heading to the sea!

The mermaid is completely different in dexterity and speed in the water than on land. It seems that in just a moment, it rushed Ye Zheng into the sea.

Ye Zheng was almost riding on its back. Because its speed was so fast, Ye Zheng had to lean down and pull the fin on its back tightly.

Ye Zheng had seen how fast it was when its fins were fully extended, which was far from its current speed. But now, perhaps to take care of her, its rear fin containing many sharp bone spurs lay obediently and let Ye Zheng pull it.

Ye Zheng didn't know where the mermaid was taking her, but because she was following the fish, Ye Zheng was not as scared as when she was looking for a place to live on her own.

After about two hours, when Ye Zheng felt that the posture he maintained had become stiff, Ye Zheng finally saw many large and small islands in front of him.

After swimming in and taking a closer look, Ye Zheng discovered that the distance between each island was not very long, probably only tens or hundreds of meters, and the water around the entire island group was as blue as sapphire. Ye Zheng could see the bottom of the sea clearly. She estimated that the depth of the sea was only three to five meters.

This vast expanse of islands reminded Ye Zheng of the Maldives where she once traveled. The water there was also so shallow and blue.

The mermaid found the largest island, and then carefully placed Ye Zheng, whose body was completely stiff, on the beach.


Ye Zheng took a breath. What made her feel pain was not only the bones and muscles that had returned to activity after stiffness, but also the burning pain on the inside of her legs, especially the inside of her thighs.

Ye Zheng's legs, which were skinned from climbing trees, were soaked in sea water for so long that they became red and swollen. The place where she had scraped the skin while hurriedly cleaning it in the waterfall pool didn't hurt as much as it does now. At that time, it was just a slight sting.

Ye Zheng sucked in the cold air, his fingers hovering over the skin, but he didn't dare to press down. She secretly blamed herself, because at that time it was only a little stinging, so Ye Zheng didn't pay attention to the broken skin, and even forgot to remind the mermaid to look at her inner thighs.

ah? What about the mermaid?

Ye Zheng had just been looking at his inner thighs, and now he realized that the big fish that brought him here was missing?

Before she could think too much, the mermaid made another "crack-" sound and leaned out of the water again.

It spread Ye Zheng's legs, spit out the green, chewed seaweed in its mouth, and stuck it on Ye Zheng's skin.

This lump of slimy seaweed, which did not look very good, was cool, but it brought a touch of coolness to Ye Zheng's burning and painful skin. Ye Zheng soon felt that it was not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning.

The mermaid carefully wiped away the clump of seaweed, not leaving even a small patch of redness and swelling.

The physical pain subsided, but the psychological discomfort returned again.

Ye Zheng looked down at the mermaid working between his legs, and felt that his face, which had just been cooled by the sea breeze, was slowly warming up, and the temperature was tending to rise higher and higher.

For example, it would be nice if she didn't spread her legs and it was squeezed in the middle of her legs...

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