Chapter 40

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In the following period of time, Ye Zheng felt that his life was very, very leisurely and very comfortable.

Ye Zheng has adapted to this world for so long. In the past, she felt that she could finally survive. But now, with Andrew by her side, she feels that she is living a real life now.

For Ye Zheng, modern society is as far away as her previous life. She still misses the convenient life there, and feels sad when she misses her parents and brothers. But she can quickly get rid of those subtle and recurring emotions. She still has her own life to live.


Ye Zheng held the washed sealskin sheet and was hanging it on the rope with great effort.

Seal skin is a very warm thing. Covering it with it will keep you warm all night long. If the weather is hotter, Ye Zheng will sweat even if covered with it. But it also has a disadvantage: it cannot be washed or disabled. Ye Zheng cherished it very much. As long as it was sunny, she would hang up the seal skins to dry in the sun every now and then. Despite this, seal skins that had not undergone modern special processing were still not easy to retain. Basically, they only lasted one or two days. Ye Zheng will have to change into a new one every month.

Fortunately, they still have a demand for seal meat, and Andrew doesn't mind traveling a little further to drag back seals that live in colder places. The seals' fur there is thicker and warmer.

It was difficult for Ye Zheng to wring out the thick seal skin. Whenever she needed to clean it, she had to rely on Andrew's strong strength to wring out the water-dried skin, and then hung the seal skin up by herself.

Andrew originally dug a water channel and found that Ye Zheng liked to wash clothes and fetch water at a pool dozens of meters away from the cave, but the water channel was not enough. The further you walk toward the center of the island, the more plants there are, and the road is not as smooth as the beach.

In the end, Andrew had to find helpers and drove the diggers to spend two days opening the road from the cave to the waterhole.

He also specially parked the terminal seven or eight steps away from the lake. The mermaid knew that Ye Zheng needed fresh water, and it did not let seawater pollute the lake. Yezheng specially selected this island for a few days to visit. It was larger than the island they originally lived in. There were also high hills on the island, and there were more types of animals and plants. The biggest advantage was that there were no snakes and dangerous animals. beast.

Ye Zheng feels that such an environment is really rare. It is estimated that if it gradually develops in the future, the entire island will become the back garden of her "home", so she is particularly attentive when decorating the surrounding environment.

The mermaid brought back enough water. In order to ensure dryness in other places, Ye Zheng chose the place to dry clothes next to the pool, an open place supported by big trees.

The water drops on the fur fell on Ye Zheng's feet wearing grass clippings. Ye Zheng heard Andrew calling her while lying in the water, so she followed the sound and looked over.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Zheng finally felt that he saw an inexplicable meaning in Andrew's big eyes. Andrew stretched out his arm, raised a finger, and pointed at Ye Zheng's calf.

Ye Zheng looked down in confusion and almost screamed again. Her menstruation was coming again! A little red thread-like thing hung on her calf.

This bad.

Ever since Ye Zheng came to this world, her menstruation has not been accurate. The time here is twice as long as on the earth, but the dates between her menstrual periods are two or three months apart. Since arriving here, Ye Zheng has only experienced it four or five times. There was no pattern to follow, and Ye Zheng was always unable to take precautions.

That's right, except for the first time when Andrew was too frightened, the next few times were all spent with Andrew's small gifts and company. For Andrew, the "crackling menstruation" thing is really nothing to make a fuss about.

Perhaps it was the animality that never left him, but Andrew was very at ease with the basic physiological activities of all living things. So this time, after Andrew discovered the blood stains on Ye Zheng's calf, he just calmly reminded Ye Zheng to look at it himself.

But just because he can be calm doesn't mean Ye Zheng can be the same! This feeling of "I came to my aunt, and then my boyfriend saw me" was extremely heartbreaking for Ye Zheng!

A girl in love always hopes that she is cute, generous, beautiful, and neat in the eyes of her lover... Even if Andrew doesn't care about this little thing, Ye Zheng still feels a little afraid to see her. he.

The fur in Ye Zheng's hand was already hung up. She stamped her feet at Andrew and trotted toward the cave in a fit of frustration.

Andrew couldn't catch up with her on land, but he swam back along the waterway, and when Ye Zheng ran to the entrance of the cave, he was already waiting there quietly.

Ye Zheng shouted to Andrew with a guilty voice: "Wait here!"

and hurried back to clean up after himself.

Andrew himself doesn't wear clothes, so he never seems to be able to understand why Ye Zheng doesn't like the way he sees her changing clothes. However, he rarely went against Ye Zheng's requests, so even though he was puzzled, he obediently soaked in the water at the entrance of the cave and waited for Ye Zheng to come out.

When Ye Zheng came out, he felt a little embarrassed and did not dare to look Andrew in the eyes. When Andrew looked up at her, she turned her head away from him awkwardly.

Andrew didn't care about this. He only cared about Ye Zheng's health. He leaned next to Ye Zheng and sniffed, then fell silent, seeming to be wondering about something.

"What, what's wrong?" Ye Zheng asked him awkwardly, thinking to himself that Ye Zheng's six senses of animals are relatively more sensitive, but this blood smell... "No." Andrew said

seriously said.

"Nothing?" Ye Zheng asked curiously. His reaction was a little unusual from before.

Andrew shook his head, sniffed around Ye Zheng again, and then sank into the water without saying anything. Ye Zheng was just surprised for a while, but she felt that if it was a more important matter, then Andrew would work hard to make her understand what he meant, right? So after thinking for a while and finding no results, she put the matter behind her.

During this period, Ye Zheng couldn't ride Andrew to other islands. She simply stayed quietly in the cave and did handicrafts.

The gold sand that Andrew gave her was finally put into a small crystal bowl and then hung on a raised stone.

This crystal bowl was also polished by Ye Zheng little by little every day.

The texture of the crystal is extremely hard. Ye Zheng has used bone knives and stone knives, but he can only leave a few scratches on it. But Andrew later gave her a stone embedded with clear diamonds. The stone was irregular in shape, with a small piece of transparent material peeking out from the surface. It was that small piece of hard material that allowed Ye Zheng to roughly pull out the crystal bowl.

Later, when the surface of the stone was worn away, and a larger transparent body was exposed inside, Ye Zheng discovered that it was probably a hard diamond.

Andrew liked the transparent crystal bowl very much, and was a little reluctant to use it for Ye Zheng to hold fruits. In the end, Ye Zheng could only use it to hold gold sand. Through the transparent crystal, the yellow gold sand looked even more beautiful, so Ye Zheng was satisfied, and so was Andrew.

Ye Zheng's handiwork was getting better and better, and during this break, she carved some rough statues with diamonds. Her original intention was to carve the shape of a mermaid, but that was too complicated. In three or four days, Ye Zheng could only make a rough outline.

After her menstruation was over and she needed to go hunting again, she secretly hid the outline and wanted to show it to Andrew after the finished product was completed.

After the annoying menstrual period passed, Ye Zheng felt a lot more relaxed. But then, it was Andrew who was troubled. Ye Zheng found that Andrew came home earlier than usual for several days in a row. After returning home, he also stayed next to Ye Zheng, his heavy tail swaying restlessly.

Ye Zheng was worried that Andrew was sick. She also kept a close eye on Andrew's abnormal behavior for several days, and then found that Andrew fell asleep much later than usual at night and seemed to have insomnia.

Do mermaids suffer from insomnia? Ye Zheng thought a little worriedly, and became more concerned about Andrew, and tolerated even the little quarrels he usually had.

That night, when Ye Zheng was sleeping soundly, she heard the mermaid's singing, which seemed far away and seemed close, and penetrated into her brain.

Ye Zheng opened his eyes and found that there was no trace of Andrew in the water beside the stone bed, and the faint singing of the mermaid was coming from outside the cave.

Still a little unconscious, she climbed out of bed slowly and walked towards the outside of the cave.

Ye Zheng met a mermaid swimming back along the waterway at the entrance of the cave. Andrew sang a song and stopped at Ye Zheng's feet.


Ye Zheng's heart tightened, feeling that the name Andrew called her this time was a little different from before. The same name came out of his mouth, but this time it was as beautiful as his singing voice.


Andrew called her again, looking at her with a pair of wet eyes, which seemed to be filled with the light of the entire starry sky.

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