2 goodbyes

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A\N: I hated that Jenny didn't get a goodbye from Jethro like the rest of them did, so I wrote my own, what I wished would have happened when they weren't surrounded by the team, Ducky and Abby. (Jenny's hair is long in this one because I abhorred the pixie cut she had) Enjoy, Angels.

Director Jennifer "Jenny, Jen" Shepard feels like she's had a bullet shot through her heart. HE said goodbye to everyone but her. She was his partner long before any of them, she knows  it's a petulant thought but it's true! She knows him better than anyone. She knows that he takes his coffee block with no sugar. She knows that he hates candy but will eat a chocolate bar. She knows that he'll die for her, for Ducky, for Abby, for anyone of them, she knows that he'd rather catch one bad guy than no bad guys.

The redhead sips her drink in her study, remembering Paris when a knock comes at her door brings her back to Washington. Sighing and putting down her drink, Jenny leaves her study, opening the door. She gasps as she looks into the icy blue eyes of Leroy Jethro Gibbs. "What are you doing here?" She asks before he walks towards her, his arms shooting around her waist and kissing her for the first time in six years. She kisses him back instantly, her  arms ending around his neck. The kiss only lasts a few seconds but it's the best few seconds she's had in six years. "I couldn't kiss you like that in the bullpen." He says with a smile. "Take care of yourself, Jen." Jethro kisses her cheek before turning and walking back to his car, driving down the street without a look back at her, leaving her alone in the doorway of her home. "Goodbye, Jethro. I love you." She says before walking back into her house, closing the door behind her, leaning against it and falling to the floor, her lips tingling with the remnants of their kiss.

Jenny lies down in her big bed, trying to sleep but failing because her damn mind won't turn off the memories of her and Jethro kissing before they split up while on their undercover missions, particularly their last one they shared six years ago, a week before she left him.

She holsters her gun into the holster that's strapped to her thigh with sigh and a look at her lover who is leaning against the bathroom door with a scowl on his face. "I don't like you doing this, Jen." He says, displeasure colouring his voice. Jenny straightens her black and gold club dress down so it just covers her ass. "I don't like it either, Jethro but I've got no choice." she snaps. She can't handle having this argument as she's heading out of the door, especially when they've had the same argument every day for the past week and a half and they keep going around in circles, getting nowhere. She walks past him and goes into the bathroom and grabs her black and gold wrap-around-the-ankle-heels, putting them on as she walks back to the bed.

"We always have choices, Jen and you could've said 'no' to this little mission but you didn't." Jethro snaps, Jenny closes her eyes as she throws her red hair over one shoulder. She opens her eyes and narrows them, looking at her lover/boss. "I couldn't say 'no', Jethro, we need this intel and I'm the only one who can gather it." She bites back at him. She doesn't want to fight with him tonight.

The mission that has the two of them arguing so much isn't that even a dangerous mission: she has to go to french nightclub and gather some intel from the regulars in order for her and Jethro to take out the owner of the nightclub who is running a prostitution ring in and out of Europe, with Jethro being her eyes and ears outside the club.

Rough and calloused hands cup her face, and she's looking into his icy blue eyes that she loves so much.

"I just worry about you, Jen." He says softly. Jenny sighs and leans into his touch. "I know, but I'm a Federal Agent. I can handle myself." She tells him. Jethro nods and drops his hands from her face and hands her her black purse. "You look stunning, Jen." He says. She looks at him in his tuxedo and undresses him with her green eyes. "You look sexy in a tux." She hears him chuckle before he leads her to the hotel door, stopping just as she begins to close it behind them his lips capture hers in a searing kiss that has her stumbling. It's days like these that have made her fall in love with him. Even when they're angry at one another, once he kisses her, all the anger evaporates as if it was never there. He pulls away from her far too soon for either of their likings. Jethro smiles at her, a real smile he only gives her, and leads her out of the hotel, their week and a long argument forgotten. Until the next argument comes along, as well as the next kiss.

That was one of the better goodbyes that they had shared before tonight. She hadn't known at the time that she would be leaving him just a mere 6 days after the nightclub mission, but to date the kiss they shared outside their temporary hotel room still remains her favourite kiss. The redheaded Director huffs as she finally acknowledges  the fact that she won't be getting any sleep tonight, not after the whirlwind of the night and the memory she's just had. She lets her eyes travel to the bedside table which houses several photo frames, she turns away from the table and closes her eyes, letting her mind send her back into more goodbyes between her and Jethro.

She wishes all their goodbyes were as good as their last one in Paris.

She has a lot of good goodbyes between them but they're for another time, another day, another bad goodbye.

A\N: Three JIBBS stories in a day!  I know this JIBBS oneshot is short but I don't want my laptop to start playing up again. I might make this a series of oneshots, we'll see. Hope you enjoy Angels.

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