Stealing the Sapphire

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Henry was in his apartment, heart racing and thoughts spiraling. He had been late on rent payments for ten days now, knowing the bank would come knocking soon. Desperate ideas started to form in his head - should he try to get a job despite his notorious track record or go back to criminal activities as a means to support himself? His torment was broken when the TV suddenly sprang to life with a man bragging of an incredible diamond - The Tasmanian Sapphire, worth millions of dollars and on display in the Ancient History Museum. While most would be astounded, Henry instead felt comforted knowing that tomorrow he could knock on the door of opportunity.

Henry stumbled into the museum, his heart racing. An eerie stillness filled the air. Peering around suspiciously, Henry noticed that there were no security guards in sight - a fact that made him quietly rejoice. Inching closer to the back door, he could feel the heat of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Just as he was about to slip through unnoticed, two guards suddenly appeared.

"Shoot," Henry muttered under his breath in exasperation. With no other option left, he decided to take his chances at the front door - like any other average visitor.

"G'day mate, got a ticket?," said the man at the front desk with an unmistakable Australian twang.

"Oh shoot, I must have left it at home," Henry replied innocently, cursing himself internally for not remembering his plan of action more carefully.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you in without a ticket," the man said firmly with a hint of disdain. His eyes never leaving Henry's face, he reached for his radio and spoke in an authoritative tone:

"We have a problem on floor one." The man's grip tightened around his radio and a hush fell over the room as heads turned towards them. Fear and desperation surged through Henry's veins as he realized that he had just moments to make his escape or risk being caught by the guards. Inhaling sharply, Henry broke out into a sprint and charged down the labyrinthine hallways - dodging priceless artifacts and ducking underneath archways as he ran away from danger. With each step, thundering footsteps inched closer and closer toward him, but still, Henry refused to give up. He kept running until finally finding safety.

Suddenly, a guard's voice shattered the silence, demanding that he stop in his tracks. But Henry refused to give up - not when he was so close to the sapphire.

Henry kept on running and he didn't stop. Henry began losing hope, but before it could get worse, a glimmer of hope shined in front of him. The Sapphire. It was so close, that he could almost feel the gargantuan sapphire in his hands. Henry sprinted towards the Sapphire and fumbled with a black object he had hidden in his pocket. In one fluid motion, he clicked it open and it exploded into a revving scooter. He rapidly tied the Sapphire to the back of the scooter with a rope and kicked off. But before he could make his escape, guards had already surrounded him. Without missing a beat, Henry gunned it, spewing exhaust with the guards hot on his tail.

Henry exploded out of the museum, adrenaline and fear coursing through his veins. Armored trucks materialized, guns drawn. He tensed his body, ready to face the chaotic onslaught. But instead, they shot their guns and Henry felt fear that they would kill him. But Henry cackled maniacally as he whipped out his gun, bloodthirsty for retribution. But before he could fire off a single shot, a truck careened out of the shadows and mowed him down.

Henry stumbled as he found himself surrounded by the armored trucks. The guards scrambled out, rifles pointed directly at him. Henry's heart raced and his hands trembled as he slowly lifted the heavy sapphire. He felt pinned in place, guns trained on him like a hawk stalking its prey. In a final act of desperation, Henry chucked the sapphire into the raging river and leaped after it, knowing this could be the end. The museum guards lifted their guns and shot into the river. Henry, despite, the sharp stabbing pain in his arm, remained underwater with the Sapphire.

"He's dead!" A guard declared proudly, "We'll send a search team later to search for the Sapphire. But this is coming off of your paychecks, all of you!" Henry let himself float to the top of the river and he gasped for air. Henry saw the Tasmanian Sapphire on the beach and he smiled. His mission was completed. He ran off to his house and days had gone by. Henry was happy, he was rich, and he saved himself, but then one day. Henry was hit in the head with something and he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

The Henry Stickmin Collection: My AU part 1Where stories live. Discover now