Chapter 1

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Jungkook was peacefully dreaming about his wedding when his mother abruptly woke him up by throwing water at him. "Get up and start working, you lazy bum," she scolded him. Jungkook reluctantly got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up before starting his household chores. While cleaning the floor, he became frustrated when people kept walking through his cleaning area. He asked his neighbor, "What's going on?" and the neighbor replied, "Please adjust for a day, Kook." A little while later, the milkman arrived to deliver milk to Jungkook's home. Jungkook asked, "How have you been?" to which the man replied, "Good. Same as yesterday." Jungkook retorted, "Annoying." The man then asked, "How are you?" and Jungkook responded with, "Same as yesterday." The man joked, "So, good-for-nothing like me, huh?" The milkman continued, "Do you know your neighbor Mingyu? He's getting married today." Jungkook became irritated and asked, "So what? Am I supposed to dance or something?"


chapters will be going to be short ❤️

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