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Pedri POV
Silently, I put my clothes back on. I look to the side and see the girl wrapping the sheets around herself. "I had a great time," she says, and I nod. "Maybe we can meet up again this weekend," she suggests.

"I'm very busy. I don't think that's going to work," I reject her. My phone rings, and I see it's Ferran calling. Without saying anything else, I answer the phone.

"Shark," I say cheerfully. "Pedrito. Where are you?" he asks. "Oh, nowhere," I say casually. "We're going to the club with some people. Are you coming?" he invites me. "Of course. What time?" I ask. "In an hour in the city. The usual place," he says. "Alright. I'll see you there," I say and hang up.

I glance over and see the girl looking at me questioningly. "I have to go," I say, heading towards the door. "Pedri," she says softly, and I turn around. I nod as a sign for her to speak. "Will I see you again?" she asks uncertainly. I hesitate for a moment but decide to be honest. "No. I don't think so. Sorry," I say, and I leave her bedroom.

I sprint down the stairs and put on my shoes there. I grab my jacket and walk out of her house towards my Porsche. I get behind the wheel and drive home. I want to take a quick shower before going to the club. I smell like sex.

After a long, warm shower, I style my hair. I opt for a black blouse and loose-fitting jeans. I spray my favorite perfume, Chanel Bleu, and grab my keys. I take an Uber towards the city because after tonight, I won't be in any condition to drive myself. I'm glad we don't have a match this weekend; I'm in the mood to get wasted.

When I arrive in the city, I quickly walk towards the club. The bouncer at the door already recognizes me, and I give him a friendly hug. "Have a great time, buddy," he says. I nod and walk inside. I leave my coat and wink at the girl working there.

The club is already quite crowded, and I soon spot Ferran. He's sitting with Ansu and Alejandro at a VIP table. "Hermanos," I greet them cheerfully and give the guys a fist bump. "Good to see you," Ansu smiles.

"There he is!" I hear an enthusiastic voice. I turn around and see Gavi and Frenkie standing there with beers in their hands. "I'm here," I chuckle.

"Where were you?" Frenkie asks. "Nowhere," I dismiss it. "Or with whom?" Gavi asks, wiggling his eyebrows. "I actually don't know her name," I laugh. The guys burst into laughter. "You're something else," Ferran laughs. I grin and shrug.

Gavi and Frenkie also take a seat, and we toast. "To a great evening," says Ansu. I look around and spot some attractive ladies. I can feel that tonight, I'm going to score, but not in the goal.

I silently finish my beer and listen to the conversation between Frenkie and Alejandro. They're talking about the training session this afternoon.

"Ah, I see my niece over there. I'm going to grab another round of beers. Be right back," Ferran says. He gets up and heads towards the bar. I follow his movement and glance at the bar. Ferran greets his niece, Indigo, warmly, and then the two girls sitting with her. The blonde girl is dressed quite naked, while the brunette seems more modest and sweet.

Ferran takes the beer from the bartender and returns to our side. "Who are those girls?" Gavi asks. "Indigo, my niece," Ferran says, handing each of us a beer. "Yes, that's the one I know. Who are the others?" he asks. "The blonde one is Kiki, and the brunette is Sofia. They all work for the same magazine," he explains.

We all turn and look at the girls. Suddenly, they look up and meet our gaze. Sofia offers a small smile, and I smile back.

"But, Pedri, my friend, what's the count after today?" Ansu laughs. I chuckle. "I don't keep track anymore," I grin. Frenkie shakes his head, laughing. "I can't believe you never manage to keep it going for longer than a one-night stand," he says. "That's not true. Sometimes it lasts a bit longer," I reply. "Sometimes he has a friends with benefits," Gavi adds playfully. I give him a playful shove.

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