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Sofia POV
I chuckle at Benjamín, who's telling a story about his failed date when my phone rings. I pick up the device from the table and see Pedri's name.

"I need to take this," I tell my friends who are having their usual Friday night drinks. I walk away, and in the hallway, I answer my phone.

"Hey," I say with a smile. "Hey, Soof, everything alright?" I hear Pedri's voice on the other end of the line. "Yes, how about you?" I ask. "I'm good too. What are you doing?" he inquires. "I'm having a drink with Ben, Kiki, and Indigo at work," I tell him. "Is it going to take long?" he asks. "No, I don't think so," I reply.

"Would you like to come over? We can have dinner together and watch a movie or series," he suggests. "Yes, that sounds nice. I think I'll leave here in half an hour," I say. "Perfect," the footballer says. "I'll come straight to your place," I tell him. "Shall I pick you up?" he asks. "No, don't bother. It's fine. I'll see you later," I say. "Alright, see you soon," says Pedri and makes a kissing sound. Then I hang up.

I return to the canteen, and my friends look at me, surprised. "It was Pedri. I'm going to see him shortly," I say softly. Kiki and Benjamín smile, and Indigo rolls her eyes.

"How's your article going?" the brunette asks. "Not well. I scheduled a meeting with Margo for Monday to discuss it," I sigh. "You know I can tell all the stories I heard from Ferran," she says. I nod. "You can. But isn't it mean to tell all those old stories when he's clearly changed?"

Indigo shrugs. "I'm not convinced," she says. "No, I know," I sigh. "Alright," Ben interjects. "Let's keep it light."

After a few more drinks, I bid farewell to my friends and hop into an Uber headed for Pedri's place. I initially planned to take public transportation since it's more budget-friendly, but it doesn't stop near his house.

I inform the driver of the address and calmly gaze out the window. In the meantime, I look at the photo my dad sent me. It's a picture of my little brothers in their signed jerseys. Those happy faces are so beautiful to see.

Before I know it, I've arrived. I thank the driver and step out. I walk up Pedri's driveway at a leisurely pace and ring the doorbell. The door swings open, and Fernando is standing there.

"Sofia, great to see you!" he smiles, giving me a hug. "Likewise," I grin. "Pedri is still on a call, but can I offer you something to drink? Dinner is almost ready," he says, and we enter the living room.

"No, I'm good," I say. "Can I help you with anything?"

Fernando looks at me, surprised. "If you'd like?" he says. I nod. "Of course," I say, and we head to the kitchen. I wash my hands and assist Fernando with the final preparations for dinner.

"There you are," I hear Pedri's voice, and I feel two strong arms around my waist and his warm breath on my neck. "Pedro," I smile and turn around. We exchange a glance and then he leans in for a kiss.

As I glance to the side, I see Fernando grinning as he strains the rice. "You two are adorable together. I've never seen my brother like this before."

I smile and help Pedri set the table. Fernando brings the food, and I grab a glass of water for everyone.

"It's great that you're joining us for dinner," his brother happily says once we're seated. "I'm thankful that I'm invited," I reply happily. "Pedri has a special diet, so he has to weigh everything first," Fernando says.

I chuckle and watch as Pedri expertly weighs everything he needs to eat. That seems quite tiring, having to think about everything before you put it in your mouth. But, on the other hand, this guy makes millions, so he's not that pitiable.

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