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Sofia POV
"I've got the snacks!" I happily exclaim as Kiki opens the door to her house. "There you are," she smiles. I nod and give her a hug.

We walk into the living room where Indigo is sitting on the couch, wearing an FC Barcelona jersey. "Hey Soof," she says cheerfully. I smile and toss the snacks her way.

"These are my favorites," she smiles. "I know," I chuckle. Meanwhile, Kiki has gone to the kitchen and returns with a bottle of wine and three glasses.

"What time does it actually start?" I ask Indigo. "In ten minutes, so it makes sense if you haven't heard from Pedri for a bit. He's warming up," she says. I chuckle. "That's not the point."

Kiki pours a glass of wine for each of us, and we clink them together. "To Barça's victory," Indigo smiles.

"Okay, enough of the sweet stuff. Are you going to tell us about your movie night? You just didn't respond to our messages," Kiki says, faux annoyed. I start laughing. "Alright."

"I'll turn on the TV. But don't you dare leave out any details," Indigo warns sternly. I nod.

"I was about to go there, and then he came to pick me up," I say. "Aww, such a gentleman," says Kiki.

"Well, long story short, we kissed," I say quickly. Kiki and Indigo look at each other with wide eyes.

"Oh my god!" Kiki screams. "Hello, and you don't tell us right away. This is huge!" Indigo exclaims, and the two bombard me with questions.

"How was it? What did you think? How did it go? Tell us every detail!" Kiki rattles on. I start giggling and feel my cheeks turning red.

"It was actually good. I didn't expect it, but it felt very natural and easy. I had all these butterflies in my stomach," I say. My friends start grinning widely.

"I find this so cute. I really hope he's genuine with you," says Indigo. I nod.

"I had just met his brother who said that Pedri does his best for me, and then when I sat back down next to him, he kissed me. It was really sweet, and then I got a bit insecure and just honestly talked about my lack of experience," I say. "Then we kissed again."

"Oh my god. What did he do to you?" Kiki laughs. "But that's not all," I say. Four big eyes stare at me.

"I'm going to kill him. Please don't say you..." "No! Of course not. We fell asleep together on the couch, and I woke up in his arms," I cut off Indigo.

"I'm totally fangirling right now. I love Pefia," swoons Kiki. "Hmm. It's weird. He's not like that at all," mumbles Indigo.

"Indi. I thought the same, but he's really different. This is so bad for my article, but he's really sweet, and I think I..." I abruptly stop talking.

"That you?" Indigo asks, narrowing her eyes.

"Nothing," I stop. "Sofia Maria Marquez Rodríguez. Spill it," says Indigo sternly.

"I think I'm falling for him," I squeak, and I can't bring myself to look at my friends. I hear sighs and groans.

"It's okay," I hear Kiki say. Indigo just grumbles.

"I might sound like the bad friend right now, but I'm not. If he genuinely likes you and leaves his player days behind and commits to you, I'll be the last to say anything. But I just want to protect you, Soof. You're my best friend, and I don't want him to hurt you. I know how football players are. They're not trustworthy. I wouldn't recommend someone to have a relationship with Ferran either. Footballers do their thing and cheat left and right. Pedri has his reputation for a reason. I just don't want you to fall in love and then have your heart broken," Indigo says. I look at her and feel tears in my eyes.

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