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Pedri POV
It's late in the evening when I ring the doorbell at Sofia's house. After the game, I first celebrated our win with the team, and then I had dinner with my family. But I miss her. After what we experienced together yesterday, I miss her even more. This is no longer about a silly bet. Sofia means so much more to me. In about another week and a half, this nonsense will be over, and I can start thinking about what I really want.

The door opens, and Sofia looks at me in surprise. "I didn't expect you here anymore," she smiles. "I did say I would come," I laugh. Sofia nods. "I know, but it's already late."

"Does it not work for you? I can go back home if you'd like," I say, feeling a bit disappointed. "No. Please come in," she says, and I walk inside. We walk up the stairs together toward her front door.

Sofia is wearing black leggings and still my jersey. It makes me smile to see her like this.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asks. "Just water," I say, and I sit down on her couch. I notice that her show is paused. Sofia returns from the kitchen with two glasses and hands one to me.

She's already removed her makeup, and even then, she looks beautiful. She has a very sweet and lovely face.

"What were you watching?" I ask, pointing to the television. "You, for the third time," she laughs. "Is it good?" I inquire. "If you're into serial killers," she replies.

I start to laugh. "Intense."

"What did you tell your parents you were doing?" she asks. I chuckle. "I just said I wanted to come over to talk about the match," I reply. "And they were okay with that?" she asks. I nod. "My parents are fine with anything, and they're probably already in bed."

"What about Fer?" she asks. "He knows what's going on between us, so I just told him I missed you. Which is true," I smile. Sofia starts to smile. "I missed you too."

She smiles, and we both place our glasses on the table. She sits on my lap, and we start kissing. Our tongues sensually intertwine, and I notice she's turning me on. Her lips are so soft, and I've been thinking about them all day. I missed them so much today. This is not okay. What has she done to me? I'm such a simp.

"I want to do something to you," she says when she is looking down and touch my crotch for a moment. I look at her, surprised. "Are you sure?" I ask. There's nothing left of the shy Sofia from two weeks ago. She nods.

🔞🔞🔞 (If you don't feel comfortable with reading smut, please skip to next bold text)

She takes my hand, and we walk to her bedroom. "You really don't have to do this," I assure her. "But you won today and scored. A little reward goes along with that, right?" she says and bites her lip. Her words immediately arouse me.

"Alright, but if you want to stop, just let me know. That's perfectly fine," I say. She nods obediently, and I take off my T-shirt, then begin to kiss her. She wraps her arms around me, and we fall onto her bed. I'm slightly on top of her, supporting myself with my elbows on the bed.

Sofia's hand goes to the waistband of my sweatpants, tugging at it. "May I take these off?" she asks between kisses. I nod and remove my pants. I'm left in my boxers, and I see her eyes fixated on the fabric that reveals my hard dick.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" I ask. Sofia nods. "Yes, I want this, Pedro." I place my hands at the edge of my boxers, but Sofia stops me. "May I do it?" she asks. I nod, surprised. "Of course," I say, my voice husky.

Sofia takes hold of the waistband of my boxers and pulls them down. My dick springs up immediately. For a moment, she looks at it with wide eyes. This is the first time she's seen it. "Are you okay?" I ask. Sofia nods immediately. "Tell me what to do."

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