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Snape insists we meet up on Friday after dinner to complete our Defence Against the Dark Arts assignment. Since the alternative is spending Sunday in the library, I reluctantly agree.

Regrettably, we spend half the time arguing and the other half correcting each other's work. Only after the librarian scolds us for the third time do we manage to compose a conclusion that both find adequate.

By the time I return to the Gryffindor tower, it is well past midnight, and the common room is pitch-black. So when Marlene and Dorcas decide to have a very loud argument the following morning, I am less than pleased.

"Will you shut up!" I breathe into my pillow before slowly opening my eyes, wincing as they adjust to the light.

I hear a door slam close and wince again at the sound.

"I am defending you, you know," Marlene says and sits down on my bed, "Dorcas and Magnus broke up... again."

"Well, can you defend me AFTER I have had coffee—and eight more hours of sleep," I mumble and roll over, so I have my back to Marlene. "And I have nothing to do with that. Now let me sleep."

I shut my eyes once more, silently pleading for Marlene to take the hint and leave me be. But she doesn't. Instead, I'm met with the chilly breeze of the room as Marlene whisks off my duvet.

"No more beauty sleep for you. It's already 8 o'clock, and if you want breakfast before Hogsmeade, you should get a move on, young lady," she declares, crossing her arms.

Groaning, I get out of bed and shuffle into the bathroom.

After a brisk shower, I return to the room, finding Marlene in a whirlwind, meticulously selecting the perfect outfit for her date.

"What do you think of this?" She asks, holding up a knee-length dress paired with brown leather boots.

A knowing smile spreads across my face as I observe my friend, who seldom dedicates such consideration to her outfit choices. "You fancy him!" I exclaim, unable to contain my grin.

"No, I don't," Marlene replies, her face turning slightly crimson.

"The outfit looks fantastic, he won't be able to take his eyes off you." I assure Marlene, before heading over to my trunk to retrieve a pair of jeans and a lightweight jumper. I add trainers, then slip into a suede coat and wrap a long scarf around my neck to complete my look.


The February wind nips at my face as I walk along the worn road towards the nearby Wizarding town, accompanied by the three boys. They spend the walk regaling me with stories of the pranks they have pulled throughout their years at Hogwarts.

"—and the look on Snivellus' face when he found out!" Sirius chortles, recounting the story of the quill they charmed to tickle Snape hand incessantly every time he tried to write.

"Have you ever pulled any pranks?" Peter asks, perhaps trying to include me, since I have barely gotten a word in during the walk. The boys have been deeply engrossed in their reminiscing and chatter.

I shake my head and wrinkle my nose at the question. "I don't really do pranks," I reply, noticing the almost offended expressions on the boys' faces. "What?"

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