Chapter Two - Daily Routine

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I wake up.
"Good morning!" I say to myself with a smile on my face.
I get up out of bed with a big stretch and I put my cosy slippers on. I open the curtains and ah, it's a lovely sunny day! Today will be a good day!

I walk downstairs of my extremely darling house and I check the calendar by the front door, 11th June 1850. Glorious day! I love an odd number I do!
I walk into the kitchen and I see my beautiful wife, Edith. She's there cooking me eggs and bacon as she usually does, perfectly. Everything about my wife is perfect, I love her.
I sit down in the dining room and not a second later Edith comes in with my plate of breakfast smelling absolutely delicious!
She places the plate in-front of me with her pretty smile sat there on her face and she sits down next to me.
"Not hungry today, Edith?" I ask as I notice she hasn't got a plate of food in-front of her.
"No darling, I ate before you woke up." She responds.
I sigh and I start to dig into my food, absolutely delicious I think to myself.

After I eat my food, I place the plate in the kitchen by the sink and I kiss my wife before going upstairs to get ready for work.
I walk upstairs and I put my suit on, of course my outfit was straight as it was ironed the day before.
I put my shoes on and I kiss my wife goodbye before walking to work.

"The Gin Mill" I say to myself, my little saloon that I work at for Oliver down the road. I arrive there and I get behind the bar. I take off my frock coat and I hang it on the coat racks on the wall.
I start to clean down the bar and getting everything ready for the day when my first customer walks in.


The day goes by so quickly I don't even remember doing any customers!
I put my frock coat on and I lock up. I start my descent home and I then look at the sky. It's a beautiful black with stars looking down at me lovingly.
I get home and my wife is there at the door ready to greet me! Perfect timing!
I kiss her and I walk in.
"How was your day, honey?" She asks.
"It was good! I don't remember much but I had a very successful day my dear!" I respond happily.

Edith goes to the kitchen while I walk upstairs and freshen myself up for supper.
A wave of roast mutton comes towards me and it enchants my mind, and then I walk downstairs and sit at the dining room table.
As soon as I sit down, Edith comes out and brings me my supper, roast mutton! I was correct!
A smile takes over my face and I eat it up very quickly! It was delicious.
I thank my wife for the food and I help clean up before going up to bed.
"Are you joining me my dear?" I ask my wife.
"I'll be up soon." She says back.
I nod and smile and I walk upstairs to our bedroom.

I get changed into my night clothes and get ready in bed. My fuzzy blankets encase the warmth and I feel very comfortable. Goodnight!

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