Chapter Four - Ddæilt rOutIñE

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I wake up.
I don't want to get up today. I feel tired.
I get up and I stretch. I look at the floor but my slippers aren't there. Where did I put them to?
I sigh and walk on the cold wood floors up to the window and I open the curtains. It's a sunny day, it always is.

I walk downstairs and I check the calendar by the front door, 12th June 1850. Glorious day! I love an even number I do!
I walk into the kitchen and I see my beautiful wife, Edith. She's making me bacon and eggs as per usual, this time she messes up. She always messes up. Stupid woman. She falls over. I don't want to waste my breath even talking to this disgrace of a wife. I turn away and walk to the dining room.

Fuck! We lost another one! Replace her with another robot, this one fucking messed up! God just restart the entire day! You all disgust me! Wait.. Is the speaker on? JEREMY IM GONNA FI

I sit down in the dining room and not a second later Edith comes in with my plate of breakfast smelling absolutely delicious!
Finally she can do something right for once!
She places the plate in-front of me with her pretty smile sat there on her face and she sits down next to me.
"Not hungry today, Edith?" I ask as I notice she hasn't got a plate of food in-front of her.
"No darling, I ate before you woke up." She responds.
I sigh and I start to dig into my food, absolutely delicious I think to myself.

After I eat my food, I place the plate in the kitchen by the sink.
I walk upstairs and I put my suit on, of course my outfit was straight as it was ironed the day before.
I put my shoes on and I kiss my wife goodbye before walking to work.

"The Gin Mill" I say to myself, my little saloon that I work at for Oliver down the road. I arrive there and I get behind the bar. I take off my frock coat and I hang it on the coat racks on the wall.
I start to clean down the bar and getting everything ready for the day when my first customer walks in.


The day goes by so quickly I don't even remember doing any customers!
I put my frock coat on and I lock up. I start my descent home and I then look at the sky. It's a beautiful black with stars looking down at me lovingly.
I get home and my wife isn't at the door.
Edith is usually at the door.
Can't a man just greet his woman after a long day of work?!

I walk out the kitchen and Edith is nowhere to be seen. I sigh and I just walk upstairs to freshen myself up.
A wave of roast mutton comes towards me and it enchants my mind, and then I walk downstairs and sit at the dining room table.
As soon as I sit down, Edith comes out and brings me my supper, roast mutton! I was correct!
A smile takes over my face and I eat it up very quickly! It was delicious.
Where did this food come from? I didn't see her cook it. The kitchen was empty when I came in.
I thank my wife anyway for the food and I help clean up before going up to bed.
"Are you joining me my dear?" I ask my wife.
"I'll be up soon." She says back.
I nod and smile and I walk upstairs to our bedroom.

I get changed into my night clothes and get ready in bed. My blanket feels uncomfortable. I'm not t

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